What is your name and where are you based at the moment?
My name is Ksenia Worthmann and I am based in Berlin & Vienna
What languages do you offer sessions in?
English, German, Russian
How does a session with you look and what do your clients experience?
Kundalini Yoga is a powerful combination of physical assanas, breathing techniques, meditations and mindfulness exercises that will give you a better understanding of yourself. It will change the way you feel, perceive and experience.
Name the most memorable transformation of a client
All clients transform in a beautiful way from the first lesson on, amongst others getting out of deep personal crisis, stoping to take antidepressants, managing anxiety.
But lately a man after my session told me: it feels like you saved me 10 years of my trauma work.
Name a recent synchronicity in your life
It’s usually the very small things that I love in synchronicity showing up when I work on my energy and being sensitive to what surrounds me.
One place to visit before you die
One goal to reach if anything was possible
Daily assist several people to rise their frequency and uplift their live force
What is the greatest challenge in your life?
Be my true self every second of my live
What does your personal practice look like?
Be my true self every second of my live
What does your personal practice look like?daily early morning sadhana consisting of yoga, meditation regular dancing as therapy ;) jogging, daily practice of yoga Nidra, reading of spiritual literature
Who do you consider to be your teachers?
Karta Singh (Kundalini Yoga), Guru Dev ( Japa/Sat Nam Rasayan), Goenka (Vipassana), Mantak Chia (Tao Tantra), Olga Oskorbina (Jivamukti Yoga)
What book has influenced you the most?
Lao Tzu “the book of the way”
If you could sum up your philosophy in one slogan, what would that be?
Finding the way of your soul and rising your energy will lead you to become complete and total fulfillment
What is your personal mantra?
Welcome what comes to you, desolving resistances, be your(true)self
What is it that nobody should know about you?
I love sauerkraut Saft 🤫😛
What question(s) would you have liked to have been asked?
If you see something we resonate in, let’s walk the path together! Ask me what worries you and we will find a way to rise
If you want to know more about Ksenia and book her kundalini class, or private sessions visit her side.