
Something Bothering You? Reading Sessions Have The Answers

Is there doubt, uncertainty, lack of clarity & direction? Reading sessions are your best solution for fine clarity & peace of mind. Sometimes the pressures of daily living, existence & wade through life become clogged with negative energy, emotions & reactions.

Reading sessions are the epitome of prediction & mind reading that delves deep into the recesses of one’s conscience & soul with facts. With expert in astrology, numerology, human design, channelling, tarot card readers, you will rediscover your bearings & logical self.

You will find the best solutions to vexing & persistent challenges.

Looking for reliable, tested & trusted reading sessions? Let our experts guide you to the mental clearance!

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    11 x Clearing & Reading Sessions ( monthly) Online – 11 Hours 1444.00

    Package of 11 x 60 Min Readings
    Get ready to explore the magic of channeling and tarot reading.
    I am here for you as a channel for divine messages.

    • Channeling
    • Intuitive Tarot Reading
    • Akashic Record Reading
    • Tapping
    • Meditation
    • Spiritual guidance


    • Letting go of the energies that don’t serve  
    • Making some room inside to jump ahead
    • Clearing the path 
    • Making decisions
    Expert:  THERESA
    5 out of 5
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    4 Sessions of Reading ( Online) – 4 Hours 444.00

    Get ready to explore the magic of tarot reading and my channeling.
    I am here for you as a channel for divine messages.


    • Channeling
    • Intuitive Tarot Reading
    • Akashic Record Reading
    • Spiritual guidance
    Expert:  THERESA
    5 out of 5
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    AKASHIC RECORDS READING – your IKIGAI channelled – 2 h 120.00


    • 1h Akashic Records Reading where we will channel:
      • your IKIGAI (Life Purpose)
      • + those issues, situations, physical & emotional symptoms, relations, job, economy, gifts, home, beliefs, limiting patterns… that occur in your daily life and that you choose to work on, transcend and heal.
    • Healing with the Akashic Doctors included.

    Audio of the 1h Akashic Records Reading +IKIGAI

    The Akashic Reacords Reading give you the hand so you RE-CONNECT whith what you essentially are and what you came to do, so that you dare to live definitely more aligned with your moment and your choices. There begins your path of Well-Being in this Life and a successful path back home, which is nothing more than the reconection with your own soul essence outside of all time and space.


    • Understanding what is happening in your life
    • Convenient practical guidelines to follow to line up on your path
    • Clarity, direction and focus in your doing
    • Cosmological contectualization of your present moment
    • Deprogramming and Healing of Transgenerational and Past Lifes
    • Improvement of your Well-Being and Health

    About myself

    I am passionate about offering Guide and Accompaniments of Life from an approach where Modern Psychology joins with Spirituality in a practical way to achieve the maximum potential, Well-being and Health in our day to day.

    After years of personal introspection work, I have been training in those disciplines that personally supported me and continue to support me on my path of growth, which I want to share with you in the sessions. Some of these are Transpersonal Psychology, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Channeling and Akashic Records Readings, Akashic Doctors/Astral Surgery, Hebrew Pendulum and Ankh Cross.

    Expert:  CRISTINA
    0 out of 5
  • -16%Limited
    AKASHIC SOUL CHART (your Ikigai & Galactic Origins) 164.00

    This is a gift you give yourself, as it is designed to give you a deep understanding of WHO YOU ARE, WHERE YOU COME FROM AS AN STAR SEED, WHO ARE YOUR GALACTIC FAMILIES… In fact, it RE-CONNECTS YOU WITH YOUR INNER SELF. Knowing your Past makes you understand and manifest your Present, as well as project yourself more aligned towards the conveniences for your Future.


    • 2h Akashic Records Reading where we will channel your IKIGAI (Purpose of Life) plus those issues, situations, symptoms, beliefs, limiting patterns, relations, economy, home… that occur in your daily life and that you choose to work on, transcend and heal. Healing with the Akashic Doctors included.
    • +Radiesthesia Work with Crystal Pendulums, where we will determine your Galactic Origins & Soul Family, the highest Challenges and Learnings that you came to carry out in this incarnation, mission, among others.

    WHAT WILL YOU GET AFTER THE SESSION?  The creation of Your SOUL CHART! consisting of:

    • Audio of the 2h Akashic Records Reading +IKIGAI
    • Personalized Written Document & Audio of 20min interpretive of the same, fruit of the work carried out with the Pendulums


    • Understanding what is happening in your life
    • Convenient practical guidelines to follow to line up on your path
    • Clarity, direction and focus in your doing
    • Cosmological contectualization of your present moment
    • Deprogramming and Healing of Transgenerational and Past Lifes
    • Improvement of your Well-Being and Health

    About Cristina…

    I am passionate about offering Guide and Accompaniments of Life from an approach where Modern Psychology joins with Spirituality in a practical way to achieve the maximum potential, Well-being and Health in our day to day.

    After years of personal introspection work, I have been training in those disciplines that personally supported me and continue to support me on my path of growth, which I want to share with you in the sessions. Some of these are Transpersonal Psychology, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Channeling and Akashic Records Readings, Akashic Doctors/Astral Surgery, Hebrew Pendulum and Ankh Cross.

    Expert:  CRISTINA
    0 out of 5
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    Channeling & Reading Session 204.00

    Get ready to explore the magic of  tarot reading. I am here for you as a channel for divine messages.


    Intuitive Tarot Reading

    Akashic Record Reading

    Spiritual guidance


    Clearing the path 

    Making decisions

    Expert:  THERESA
    5 out of 5
  • -20%Limited
    Channeling & Reading Session – Ibiza 80.00
    Discover the power of accurate predictions and spiritual guidance with renowned practitioner Leif Michael Nenntwich. With over 30 years of experience, Leif has gained fame in Germany through his appearances on popular TV shows like Astro TV and RTL, as well as enchanting events such as the Spirit Festival Ibiza and Cosmic Pineapple.
    Experience the precision and accuracy of Leif’s readings, where he combines his channel medium abilities with Tarot, Lenormand cards, and Astrology to provide you with unparalleled insights into your life. Unveil the hidden mysteries that lie ahead and make informed decisions for a brighter future.
    But Leif’s expertise extends beyond predictions. As a certified Reiki Teacher since 2005, he will recommend the finest healing crystals, perfectly tailored to support your unique circumstances. He will empower you with the transformative energy of these crystals, so that you embark on a journey towards true healing and self-discovery.
    To ensure you receive the maximum benefit from your session, Leif goes the extra mile. Each reading is accompanied by a recorded audio, allowing you to revisit the guidance and advice at any time. Immerse yourself in this immersive experience, reinforcing the spiritual coaching and facilitating a deeper connection with your consciousness.
    Don’t miss out on this incredible offer! For a limited time only, Leif Michael Nenntwich invites you to join him on a journey of self-discovery and transformation. Unleash the power of high-frequency energy and activate your true potential. Book your session now and embark on an extraordinary path towards a fulfilled and purposeful life. Act fast, as special price availability is limited.
    The first session takes ca 90 min
    The following sessions takes 60 min 
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    Clearing & Guidance Session 204.00

    Private Session in Berlin
    Get ready to explore the magic of herbs smudging and tarot reading.
    I am here for you as a channel for divine messages.


    Intuitive Tarot Reading

    Akashic Record Reading


    Smudging and smoking Herbs (in person sessions only)

    Spiritual guidance


    Letting go of the energies that don’t serve  

    Making some room inside to jump ahead

    Clearing the path 

    Making decisions

    Expert:  THERESA
    5 out of 5
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    Coaching Sessions with Human Design & Ayurveda Reading 144.00

    My sessions are deep and bring my clients out of their comfort zone, which I truly believe is necessary in order to bring long lasting transformational changes. I have the gift of feeling into people‘s aura and truly seeing & feeling them with all my heart. I see the beauty in every soul I encounter and help my clients to see it themselves and to remember their true essence. To experience that their shadow and their light are two sides of the same coin and that both are equally important and beautiful.
    In my sessions I use many different reading tools to support  you  and your path. 
    I love to combine and fusion my knowledge in classic psychology and trauma therapy with shamanism, astrology, human design, yoga, philosophy and mindfulness to create a round and deep web of ancient mystical practices with modern scientific approaches.

    I always meet my clients on an eye-to-eye- level without the false illusion of hierarchy or superiority as I believe the only level where we can truly meet and where authentic healing is possible is the  personal one. I also share about my personal journey, wounds and patterns and don’t pretend to be flawless or perfect. We are all always teachers and students at the same time.

    However all sessions I deliver leave one with true sense of connectedness to once own body and mind.

    Expert:  ELENA
    5 out of 5
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    Guidance Session – 30 Min 90.00


    • Clarity
    • Making decisions
    • Clear perspective in life
    • Understanding the situations
    • Emotional support
    • Guide you through your troubled emotions and clouded thoughts, by offering a reflection of your past, present and possible future

    Through tarot I seek to inspire and guide you to explore your inner truth. I do this with a unique deck of tarot cards designed by the infamous artist of all time Salvador Dali. With my creative point of view I will take you on a journey full of magic and wonder and help unfold the mystery in your life so that you can become more aligned with your unique purpose, raise your vibration, and get you out of stuck patterns or ways. Allow me to help you discover symbols and signs that surround you.

    Remember, as each man and woman is a microcosm reflecting the larger natural world so so a healing of the self is also a healing  for the world. As above, so below.

    Expert:  XIMENA
    5 out of 5
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    Natal Chart 80.00

    We are all unique
    We all have our birth chart which is calculated knowing the exact day, place and
    time of birth.
    It’s like taking a photo of the sky at the moment you’re born. From the alignment
    of the planets, stars and comets we can get to know ourselves more deeply:
    personality, gifts, wounds, talents, a clearer path to explore this life you have been
    The energies that make up a person different
    from any other.
    More than 25,000 years will have to pass for the same alignment of the planets to
    be repeated and to get the same astrological chart.
    We are all unique, special as light.

    Astrology is above all, a tool to know and understand the universal energy climate
    that dictates the movement of the cosmos at all times.
    It could be said that astrology would be like the meteorology of universal energy:
    it gives us a report of the energy climate of the day and we can decide whether to
    carry an umbrella or not.

    The will and the possibility of choosing depend on how we use what we have:

    • On the physical plane we are aware of having the ability to choose. We know
    what actions inevitably lead to pain, and if we don’t want to feel pain, we avoid

    • On the level of the intangible, these signs are equally inevitable but in a less
    obvious way.

    Astrology is a means to become aware of that
    relationship in the intangible plane with respect to the experience of oneself in
    this life.

    Please write me to set the best date for your session
    or book directly and I’ll come back to you within the few hours. 

    Expert:  MARIA
    0 out of 5
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    Past Life Regression – 2 h 222.00

    Past life regression gives us a look into the lives we have lived before and how the lessons from those lives are still affecting us today. In this journey, you will be guided back through memories both from this and past lives to see what energy or karma has been carried over from past lives into the current life. It is an opportunity to see both the lessons that were left unfinished, and to adopt and integrate the lessons and skills that have already been accomplished.

    This session includes an intake interview where we will discuss your specific intentions and current life challenges as well as instructions for how to get the most out of your experience, a hypnotic journey into the past, and time for integration after with instructions for how to continue the process long after your session.

    It is an intimate look into the subconscious, helping you understand more about who you are and what you came here to do. A belief in past lives is not required to have an impactful experience with this session.

    The purpose of past life regression therapy is to help individuals understand and resolve persistent problems and patterns that are rooted in their past lives. It can give them insights into their spiritual beliefs, talents, and relationships. Additionally, this therapy can help people to overcome fears and phobias, heal trauma or physical discomfort that could not be identified in their present life.


    The benefits of past life regression therapy also include improved spiritual growth and well-being, increased self-awareness, and enhanced relationships and communication skills.

    Expert:  AMBER
    0 out of 5
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    Solar Return Chart 65.00

    Your Solar Return is a key theme in your chart yearly. It marks the point when the
    Sun returns to its natal place in your natal birth chart. .
    It helps so much to know which themes will be coming up in your life and also
    which houses will be emphasized and activated by your solar return, as they will
    be different than those houses in your natal chart.

    Astrology is above all, a tool to know and understand the universal energy climate
    that dictates the movement of the cosmos at all times.
    It could be said that astrology would be like the meteorology of universal energy:
    it gives us a report of the energy climate of the day and we can decide whether to
    carry an umbrella or not.
    The will and the possibility of choosing depend on how we use what we have:
    • On the physical plane we are aware of having the ability to choose. We know
    what actions inevitably lead to pain, and if we don’t want to feel pain, we avoid
    • On the level of the intangible, these signs are equally inevitable but in a less
    obvious way.
    Astrology is a means to become aware of that
    relationship in the intangible plane with respect to the experience of oneself in
    this life.

    Please write me to set the best date for your session or
    book directly and I come back to you within the few hours. 

    Expert:  MARIA
    0 out of 5
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