Interview with Siriya, Quantum Health Practitioner

Siriya is a trained Homeopath, an aspiring nano-alchemist. Her strength lies in encouraging you to dive deep into your murky waters, to help you rise to the surface with jewels you thought didn’t exist. You may be creating a space together but it is you who will be leading healing.

What is your name and where are you based at the moment?

I was born Amèle Younsi. Now everyone calls me Siriya. I live in Ibiza.

How does a session with you look and what do your clients experience?

I give sessions in French, English, Spanish. A session whether face to face or online is a place where I dissolve to let the energy of  my client speak and move. I observe all & I mostly don’t talk unless I am invited in. My  client experience a deep rising in love with themselves. They become their own muse  again. 

Name the most memorable transformation of a client

There are so many. One that was deeply humbling was someone who arrived in retreat in  a wheelchair on the edge of death and 3 weeks later, she was hiking to Es Vedra Ibiza  with me.

Name a recent synchronicity in your life

Feeling the call to Egypt and receiving a very concrete invitation the same day I felt I had  to go. 

One place to visit before you die

What is death? For a quantum energy practitioner, death is a concept but it is not true.

One goal to reach if anything was possible

To make myself obsolete, in a world that is healed and at peace.

What is the greatest challenge in your life?

Patience. I have been to the future and I am really keen to bring as many souls with me.

What does your personal practice look like?

It is sensual, dancing is number one. Deep breathing through practices of stillness.  Breathwork is how people call it. I like breath play.

Who do you consider to be your teachers?

Number one, my two beautiful cosmic princes (sons- comment on ayanation).  
Then everyone I meet is potentially a teacher.  
Ultimately, in my search for Sacred Union, sacred sexual alchemy , I am guided by Isis &  Osiris, Yeshua & Miriam de Magdala, but also Nikola Tesla, Jalaladin Rumi, Hildegard Von  Bingen. 


What book has influenced you the most?

The Mysticism of Music of Sound – Hazrat Inayat Khan  

Rumi’s poetry also. 

If you could sum up your philosophy in one slogan, what would that be?

Less is More.

What is your personal mantra?

I am the embodiment of wisdom. 

What is it that nobody should know about you?

I am from Sirius. 

What question(s) would you have liked to have been asked?

Do you know who you are ?

More about Siriya and her work here
Interview with Marjolein, Shamanic Healer & Womb Awakening Practitioner, Breathwork Facilitator
Interview With Claudia, Modern Shaman, Healer And Medium
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