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    Ayurvedic Nutrition & Holistic Counselling 100.00

    What’s Included

    Prior to the first live call session, you will receive a questionnaire of open-ended-questions to help to get the process started and will set the tone for the sessions to follow.

    The package includes 3 “session’ calls (Reflect, Renew & Receive) with defined goals for each plus homework at the end of each session, followed by a 4th call as follow-up & Q&A

    A lifestyle plan (an Ayurvedic daily routine (Dinacharya in Sanskrit)  with morning and evening rituals) which will be tailored to you and your personal needs.

    “CUCINA CURATIVA” Liilamaya’s little recipe book filled with easy and delicious vegan recipes for every day enjoyment or to use them during retreats.

    0 out of 5
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    Holistic Massage ™ and Therapeutic Touch ™ 100.00

    aroline is specialised in body-mind links with a specialisation in psychomotricity and  a degree in medicine, meditation and neurosciences. She is trained in various mind-body approaches including systemic and family therapy, Holistic Massage ™ and Therapeutic Touch ™.

    She can do to get you the remedy an Indian, Californican massage with oil  with osteopathic treatment. 
    Expert:  CAROLINE
    0 out of 5
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    Private Meditation Session 101.00

    Finding the time to achieve a balanced mind, body and spirit can be a challenge in the fast-paced city life. This is where I  excels in my individual approach to working with clients to find that ‘zone’ both physically and mentally as a platform for growth and self-improvement.
    Having spent years as a model, tirelessly traveling and striving to find both the balance and time to take care of herself I will understand how to create bespoke programs to match your lifestyle, whether you’re looking to escape the noise of the outside world or develop a stronger, leaner body through powerful techniques using body weight, stretching and conditioning. With extensive knowledge in both Pilates and Yoga, you can experience the best of two practices. 

    Expert:  AGI
    0 out of 5
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    Group Family Constellations 110.00

    110€ per individual constellation 
    55 € for participating
    min 5 pp

    🌿 What issues can we work with Family Constellations?


     🌱 Position myself in Life

     -What is my place in life?

     -What is my path?

     How do I stop being divided?


     🌱Difficulties towards the Couple

     -Find a partner

     -Close relationships

     -Availability / Non-availability in the couple

     -Troublesome dynamics


     🌱Health and Disease Topics

     – Any type of Pathology, Pain, Disease

     – Cancer

     – Addictions

     – Autoimmune diseases

     – …


     🌱Family Relations

     – Messy links

     – Repetitive situations

     – Unprocessed duels

     – Behavior patterns


     🌱Maternity / paternity issues


     🌱Working world





     🌱Emptiness, insecurities, fears…


     🌱Economic Affairs

     -Blocks and dynamics in relation to money


     🌱 Etc.


     Family Constellation is a therapeutic method used to help individuals identify and address familial problems that may be affecting their mental and emotional well-being. It was first developed by a German psychotherapist named Bert Hellinger in the 1990s.


    In Family Constellation therapy, the individual is asked to choose representatives from a group of people who will stand in as members of their family. They are then asked to place these representatives in relation to each other in a way that reflects the dynamics of their actual family system. The therapist will then work with the group to identify and overcome any negative feelings or patterns that may have arisen from these family dynamics.


    One of the interesting facts about Family Constellation therapy is that it is often conducted in group settings. This is because it allows individuals to see that they are not alone in their experiences and can help them develop a sense of community and support. Additionally, research has shown that group therapy can be just as effective as individual therapy for addressing a range of mental health concerns.


    According to a meta-analysis by the Cochrane Collaboration, Family Constellation therapy has been found to be effective for addressing a range of emotional and psychological issues. The study found that the therapy had a positive effect on anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms.


    Overall, Family Constellation therapy is an innovative and effective way to help individuals address familial problems and improve their mental health. Whether you are struggling with anxiety or just looking to improve your relationships with family members, this therapy can help you overcome obstacles and reach your full potential.



    About the founder 


    Bert Hellinger is the founder of Family Constellation, a form of therapy that helps individuals identify and resolve their unconscious family or systemic issues that may be impacting their present lives. Hellinger was born in 1925 in Germany and grew up during the Nazi era, which had a significant influence on his worldview and understanding of family dynamics.


    After studying Catholic theology, philology, and psychoanalysis, Hellinger worked as a missionary in South Africa, where he gained a deeper understanding of indigenous cultures and their traditions of ancestor reverence. This experience led him to explore the ways in which family and cultural constellations could impact an individual’s mental and emotional well-being.


    Hellinger developed the Family Constellation method in the early 1990s, which involves a series of workshops and individual sessions designed to explore unconscious family patterns and resolve past traumas. By examining the dynamics and relationships of one’s ancestors, clients can gain insight into their family history and better understand how their own behavioral patterns may be influenced by their past.


    The Family Constellation method has gained popularity worldwide and is now practiced in dozens of countries. Although controversial, it has been shown to be an effective form of therapy for those seeking to explore and heal familial and ancestral issues. Until his death at the age of 93, Hellinger continued to work as a therapist and teach the importance of looking into family constellations for a better understanding of self and family dynamics.


    Family Constellations, also known as Systemic Constellations and Systemic Family Constellations, is a therapeutic method which draws on elements of family systems therapyexistential phenomenology and isiZulu beliefs and attitudes to family. In a single session, a Family Constellation attempts to reveal an unrecognized dynamic that spans multiple generations in a given family and to resolve the deleterious effects of that dynamic by encouraging the subject, through representatives, to encounter and accept the factual reality of the past.

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    1-On-1 Yoga Science Sadhana: Breathwork · Yin Yoga · Nidra 120.00

    75 Min Private Class · Ibiza or Online

    I have been working in the Health and Personal Development industry for 18 years.

    It has become increasingly clear to me that the right way to approach life is the path of the heart. 

    We need to evolve and expand our field of consciousness to get through these challenging times.

    To change our reality we need to step out of fear; with courage, love and compassion. 

    Starting with ourselves and then being able to radiate that light to our environment.

    Through a personalized practice based on the science of yoga you will achieve:

    * Moderate the prominence of your neocortex (overthinking mind).

    * Paying attention to your body – Reconnecting

    * Listen to your heart

    * Remember who you really are

    * Change the chemistry of your nervous system

    * Reduce anxiety and stress

    * Improve your rest

    * Reprogram your limiting beliefs

    * Heal your somatic marks

    * To live your life in your highest and fullest potential


    * Breathwork 

    * Yin Yoga

    * Yoga Nidra

    * Meditation

    Expert:  FER
    0 out of 5
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    Holistic Massage at your – Ibiza- 60 Min 120.00

    Get your treatment. Relax and let me help you feel better!
    Book your session or send me a message and I’ll quickly get back to you to schedule an appointment. 

    Before each treatment, a short consultation will be carried out to determine any problem areas, health conditions and/or requests. Fresh, clean linens are provided for each treatment and essential oils. 


    Holistic Treatment
    Indian Head Massage
    Energetic Work

    “What is holistic?”

    Holistic is (from Greek ὅλος holos “all,

    whole, entire”). Treating the body,

    mind, soul & spirit as one.

    “Why is holistic treatment beneficial?” 

    It helps you feel balanced, connected & whole again.  This grounds you & ensures our energy chi systems are flowing clearly, which in turn brings clarity to our life, our surroundings & into our everyday lifestyles. 

    ​I will arrive to deliver your massage – bringing the massage table, music, and supplies. You get ready to relax.

    It helps you feel balanced, connected & whole again.  This grounds you & ensures our energy chi systems are flowing clearly, which in turn brings clarity to our life, our surroundings & into our everyday lifestyles.


    Discovered centuries ago, before medicines existed, in the ancient tombs of Egypt and China, there were drawings of this amazing mysterious foot treatment. This was the healing method used & is now one of my favourites – Reflexology.

    With over 7000 nerve endings in each foot, connecting through our nervous system & meridian lines, Reflexology helps break down ‘crystal’ toxin blockage. With gravity naturally pulling us downwards, toxins follow & effect our nervous system. Through pressure points, we help clear and release these effected areas. I’ve used this to heal various clients with concerns including sleep patterns, hormone imbalances, headaches, body aches, digestive problems, immunity boosting, helping with circulation, respiratory problems, lymphatic drainage & many more.

    After the booking, I will contact you immediately to set up the best date for your treatments.
    If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to write me. 

    Expert:  TIFFANY
    0 out of 5
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    Oteopathic Treatment – 90 Min – Ibiza 120.00

    Happy you are here, looking to improve your life.
    I will be coming to your house, hotel or place you choose with my table and looking forward to treat your symptoms. 

    After booking I will call you and make the appointment for you on the  best time that suites you.
    You can write me before the booking, if you have any specific questions. 
    90 Min 

    Expert:  EDI
    0 out of 5
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    AKASHIC RECORDS READING – your IKIGAI channelled – 2 h 120.00


    • 1h Akashic Records Reading where we will channel:
      • your IKIGAI (Life Purpose)
      • + those issues, situations, physical & emotional symptoms, relations, job, economy, gifts, home, beliefs, limiting patterns… that occur in your daily life and that you choose to work on, transcend and heal.
    • Healing with the Akashic Doctors included.

    Audio of the 1h Akashic Records Reading +IKIGAI

    The Akashic Reacords Reading give you the hand so you RE-CONNECT whith what you essentially are and what you came to do, so that you dare to live definitely more aligned with your moment and your choices. There begins your path of Well-Being in this Life and a successful path back home, which is nothing more than the reconection with your own soul essence outside of all time and space.


    • Understanding what is happening in your life
    • Convenient practical guidelines to follow to line up on your path
    • Clarity, direction and focus in your doing
    • Cosmological contectualization of your present moment
    • Deprogramming and Healing of Transgenerational and Past Lifes
    • Improvement of your Well-Being and Health

    About myself

    I am passionate about offering Guide and Accompaniments of Life from an approach where Modern Psychology joins with Spirituality in a practical way to achieve the maximum potential, Well-being and Health in our day to day.

    After years of personal introspection work, I have been training in those disciplines that personally supported me and continue to support me on my path of growth, which I want to share with you in the sessions. Some of these are Transpersonal Psychology, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Channeling and Akashic Records Readings, Akashic Doctors/Astral Surgery, Hebrew Pendulum and Ankh Cross.

    Expert:  CRISTINA
    0 out of 5
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    Pilates & Yin · 90 mins class – for 1:1 or group – Ibiza 120.00

    Activate your body and relax your mind from a somatic approach.

    Get stronger and leaner. Improve your flexibility and postural hygiene. Prevents back pain. Release muscular contractures and stiffenss. Increase your concentration and balance the subtle energies (mind-emotions-soul).

    Pilates is a technique of physical and mental exercise that combines flow, strength, mind control and conscious breathing.

    Yin is a kind of Yoga that combines Tantra Yoga, Chinese medicine and updated science. It focuses on the health of joints and deep connective tissue. It is a perfect complement for other intense physical activities. 

    *No experience is necessary, these practices are accessible to anyone.

    Send DM for more info and to set up the date 

    Expert:  FER
    0 out of 5
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    Yoga with Dunia – 90 min – Ibiza 120.00

    Yoga Sacred ancient tradition that offer us ways to wave together body, mind and spirit to enhace ultimate wealth, vitality, grounding, purification and fortification of the peace within. A sessions includdes Asana (physical postures and movements), pranayama (breathingwork) and meditation.

    At your place or in nature.

    Dunia is licensed in psychology and master degree in integrative body therapy. Beside her western studies, she has being immersed into the yoga practice and teachings since her 23 years old when she travelled to India, becoming a way of living for her.  She keeps studying the tradition but also new forms of healing arts and is passionate to facilitate transformational experiences. Safety and integration are keywords in her work.

    For a private session and for your group. Please write me to make an appointment. 

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    Womb healing – Ibiza 120.00

    DURATION: 1,5-2 H
    Womb Healing session offers numerous benefits, including:


    – Healing of past trauma related to the womb and reproductive organs
    – Improved reproductive health and fertility

    – Reduced stress and anxiety

    – Increased mindfulness and body awareness

    – Strengthening of the pelvic floor

    – Improved hormonal balance

    – Increased sense of empowerment and body confidence


    The Womb Healing session is a beautiful and transformative experience designed for women of all ages and walks of life. Whether you are dealing with reproductive challenges or simply looking to connect more deeply with your feminine power, our session offers a safe and nurturing space to promote healing and rejuvenation.


    During our Womb Healing session, we utilize a variety of tools and techniques to support your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. We begin with a gentle guided meditation to help you relax and tune into your body, followed by a series of breathwork to help release tension and promote circulation in the pelvic area.


    After, you will receive some healing methods to help balance your energy. The journey deep into your womb space, connecting with the wisdom and power that reside inside you, will always be channelled differently for your best. 

    ELENA –  Energy Healer and Reader, Family Constellation Practitioner

    I have received a training in the field of energy
    healing and self-knowledge and training
    of intuition and perception in the School of Intuition and Life
    “Eivida”, after 11 years of preparation and
    courses, I also do Akashic Records
    Family Constellation – teachings came from Maria Martinez
    Calderon with whom I did 3 years of
    training, to Brigitte Champetier de Ribes,
    a great eminence in the world of
    constellations from whom I have been
    learning day after day for many years now.
    I have the Usui Reiki Mastery which I
    love to use deeply. I have learned the Tagdröl
    Method of Mercedes Udaeta, a Tibetan
    liberating method, super deep at Karmic
    level and for the present life. Furthermore, I have
    studied biomagnetism, holotropic
    It is very important for me to highlight
    Tantra as a source of knowledge and practice
    with which I have grown and healed a lot
    through the details I organize and the
    meditations I have learned from the heart with
    one of my teachers in the last 7 years.

    All the
    knowledge I have acquired also through all my
    learning in Shamanism, through the Wheel
    of Shamanic Medicine, readings of Dr.
    Alberto Villoldo and his courses, the
    Temazcales, the ceremonies, the payments to
    the earth, the Vision Quests in Ibiza, the
    Women’s Circles that we usually organize for
    the Moon meetings. 


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    Vortex Healing 120.00
    VortexHealing® is a holistic healing modality that was developed by spiritual teacher and channeler, Ric Weinman. The technique draws from both energetic healing and awakening practices and uses Divine energy to heal the body, mind, and spirit.
    The name “vortex” refers to the idea that everything in existence is made up of energy, and that energy moves in spirals or vortices. Practitioners of VortexHealing® use their visualization abilities and a set of specialized tools to access these vortices and transmit healing energy into a person’s system.
    Some of the benefits that VortexHealing® can provide include:
    – Relief from physical pain and discomfort
    – Greater mental clarity and emotional balance
    – Increased energy and vitality
    – A sense of connection to the Divine
    – Healing of past traumas and emotional wounds
    It’s worth noting that VortexHealing® is considered a complementary therapy and should not be used as a substitute for traditional medical care.
    Expert:  FREA
    0 out of 5
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    EFT Tapping – A Healing Tool for All 120.00

    EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) is a form of energy psychology that is used as a complementary therapy to conventional treatment. It was developed by Gary Craig in the 1990s and is based on the principles of acupuncture and acupressure.


    EFT involves tapping on certain acupressure points on the body while focusing on specific negative emotions or physical sensations. This is done to release blockages in the body’s energy system and promote healing.


    EFT has been found to be effective for a variety of conditions, including:


    – Anxiety and depression

    – Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

    – Phobias and fears

    – Chronic pain

    – Weight loss and addiction


    EFT can be done on oneself or with the help of a trained practitioner. It is considered a safe and non-invasive procedure, but should not replace medical treatment for serious conditions.


    It is important to note that while EFT may be helpful for some people, it is not considered a primary medical treatment and should always be used in conjunction with regular medical care.


    Expert:  FREA
    0 out of 5
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    Family Constellation – Private Session Online & In Person 120.00

    Cecilia is pleased to invite you to a private session 

    Integrating Family Constellations with Gestalt and Transpersonal energy to say:

    Yes to Life

    Yes to What Is

    Yes to Who I Am

    Yes to my Life Story

    Yes to an Abundant Present 

    Yes to a Promising Future 

    Constellations are a tool for personal and systemic healing as well as a magnificent complement and boost to any therapeutic process. 

    They allow us to discover the dynamics behind conflicts and orient us towards the solution.

    I facilitate workshops with deep respect, passion and intuition. The intention is to plant seeds of consciousness, trust, confidence, clarity, acceptance, self-esteem, love and healing. 

     About Cecilia the facilitator: 

    Family and Systemic Constellator 

    Transpersonal Therapist

     Gestalt and Body Therapist

     Life Coach

     Cercle Gestalt Therapist

     TCI Training Teacher

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    Meditation Class for private groups/ 1:1 122.00

    90 Min Private Class in Ibiza or Online

    With a unique and personalised practice, that I will design for my clients, I am awakening their awareness of their own kundalini energy within, to live their life’s in their highest and fullest potential. To heal and transform their nervous system.

    My methods are intuitively designed for my clients needs in the very present moment. That might me stillness, movements, reiki, dancing or shaking. Whatever it requires to make your soul shining. Beyond that I always shared my knowledge with the people around me to let it sink deeper.

    • Guided Meditation
    • Breathwork


    • Clearing
    • Energy healing
    • Personal growth
    • Transformation

      Please contact us for the prices for private group session.  

    Expert:  ANNA MARIA
    0 out of 5
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    Reiki & Crystal Healing Private Session in Ibiza 144.00

    Here are 10 benefits of Reiki Healing that may interest you.

    Promote Harmony & Balance

    Reiki takes a non-invasive approach to energy transfer that is extremely effective in promoting overall wellness. Through the energy transfer, the body is able to restore balance across all systems of the mind, body, and spirit. This creates harmony and allows people to continue in a positive lifestyle.

    Relaxes and Releases Tension From The Body

    What many people love the most about Reiki is that it allows them to simply “be”. It is a couple of minutes of pure relaxation where the receiver can clear their heads and release the tension and stress of their day. The energy transfer through Reiki may make people feel peaceful, relaxed, and lighter which allows then to be in touch with their inner selves and reflect clearly on their lives.

    Breaks Down Energy Blocks and Balances The Mind, Body, and Spirit

    Regular Reiki treatment promotes the consistent and unlocked flow of energy throughout the body. This allows people to feel less stress, enhances learning and memory, promotes mental clarity, and physical healing/ less physical pain. When energy passageways are blocked, positive energy cannot flow to certain parts of the body, which results in mood swings, fear, anger, pain, and more. Reiki can help keep these passages clear.

    Cleanses Body of Toxins and Supports Immune System

    Reiki technique is used to remind our bodies how to go back into the “repair” or “self-healing” state of rest and digest. By triggering this state, our bodies begin to cleanse themselves of useless energies. It also allows the body to protect itself from exhaustion, burnout, or immune system failure.

    Clears The Mind and Improves Focus

    Reiki reminds receivers to be in the present moment. The positive energy transfer allows the mind to focus on current events, not hold onto past mistakes, and not fret on anxieties about the future. This will help with accepting how life is unfolding and will help promote positive reactions to situations, people, and circumstances.

    Helps You Sleep Better

    You can always expect to feel extremely relaxed after a Reiki session. This kind of relaxation helps our bodies to sleep better, to heal better, and to think more clearly. It is not uncommon for people to fall asleep entirely during a Reiki Session.

    Helps You Sleep Better

    You can always expect to feel extremely relaxed after a Reiki session. This kind of relaxation helps our bodies to sleep better, to heal better, and to think more clearly. It is not uncommon for people to fall asleep entirely during a Reiki Session.

    Helps Spiritual Growth and Emotional Cleansing

    Reiki addresses the whole person—mind, body, and spirit—not just the physical being. This means that the positive energy transfer through Reiki is extremely helpful in elevating the receiver’s mood and general attitude towards life. The healing that starts from within will reflect on their decisions and perspective on the outside.

    Accelerates The Body’s Self-Healing Ability

    Reiki balances your internal body levels to return to a near-natural state. This means that your breathing, heart rate, blood pressure, circulation, and other bodily systems will improve. This normal balance will allow your body to heal itself from within.

    There are many ways that an individual can benefit from Reiki. It is important to note that Reiki does not target one particular problem within the body but rather targets everything at once. Energy transfer is the most powerful tool in healing in this way as it heals all related elements of a particular condition.

    Expert:  SARA
    0 out of 5
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