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Ibiza, Spain

Healing, Body Treatment
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    Holistic Massage ™ and Therapeutic Touch ™ 100.00

    aroline is specialised in body-mind links with a specialisation in psychomotricity and  a degree in medicine, meditation and neurosciences. She is trained in various mind-body approaches including systemic and family therapy, Holistic Massage ™ and Therapeutic Touch ™.

    She can do to get you the remedy an Indian, Californican massage with oil  with osteopathic treatment. 
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    Ostheopathie Treatment – Ibiza 100.00


    Osteopathy is a manual diagnostic and therapeutic approach to joint and tissue mobility dysfunctions in general in the context of their participation in the onset of disease. Definition by the Belgian Academy of Osteopathy.

    Osteopathy is at the same time an art, a philosophy, a science and a specific therapeutic approach. The aim of this practice is to restore mobility and motility in all tissues of the body in order to ensure optimal physiological function.

    Osteopathy is a manual, holistic medicine (which treats the individual as a whole), it does not only treat a symptom, but  also searches for the cause and uses different types of manipulations.

    After the booking – I will call you immediately to schedule the best time for your treatment, that will take in your place. The driving cost  are already included.

    Please write me before placing the booking, if you have an emergency. 

Osteopath D.O. & MBCT Instructor

I have a degree in physiotherapy, osteopathy and specialised in body-mind links with a specialisation in psychomotricity and  a degree in medicine, meditation and neurosciences. Graduated from the University of Strasbourg in “Medicine, meditation and neurosciences”. I am trained in various mind-body approaches including systemic and family therapy, Holistic Massage ™ and Therapeutic Touch ™.

I was born in Africa in the 70’s and having travelled very early on, I quickly developed a huge interest in the mysteries of life and nature, the body and human psychology.
I worked as a physiotherapist in a psychiatric hospital and I am trained in techniques such as psychomotor therapy, tissue and craniosacral osteopathy, hypnosis, family and systemic therapy.

“Osteopathy is a manual diagnostic and therapeutic approach to joint and tissue mobility dysfunctions in general in the context of their participation in the onset of disease. Definition by the Belgian Academy of Osteopathy.

Osteopathy is at the same time an art, a philosophy, a science and a specific therapeutic approach. The aim of this practice is to restore mobility and motility in all tissues of the body in order to ensure optimal physiological function.

Osteopathy is a manual, holistic medicine (which treats the individual as a whole), it does not treat a symptom, but searches for the cause and uses different types of manipulations.


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