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    1 on 1 Guidance in & with Nature 100.00

    Come outside with me – to go inside.
    We will be in and with nature.
    We will create space for dialogue.

    A dialogue between you and yourself, the natural space, the human and the more-than-human world out there.

    We will see what’s there and what wants to be seen.

    ~ Diving deeper into a topic that is right now present for you
    ~ Exploring your personal composition around the 4 elements
    ~ Opening up new perspectives on your biography or your life right now

    ~ Systemic constellations & social cosmos
    ~ Creative process work
    ~ Meditation, Breath work & Movement

    Duration: 90 minutes
    Locations: Tempelhofer Feld, Grunewald or Plänterwald

    “I was not only in nature, but also with nature. Olivia invited me to feel myself, to put my presence in connection with the presence of nature, to free my head, to feel the body, to bring my topics into awareness.” ~ Anna S.

    Please write me to set the best date for your session
    or book directly, and I’ll come back to you within the few hours. 

    Expert:  KAILO
    0 out of 5
  • 1-1 Coaching Session 150.00


    I am a licensed clinical psychologist and a personal development coach!

    I support women in reconnecting with themselves, build their inner strength as they let go of the conditioning, so they can show up authentically and confidently in all areas of their lives.

    I specialise in:

    – positive psychology
    – Mindset (reprogramming belief system through the subconscious mind)
    – Emotional release
    – Emotional Intelligence
    – Managing emotions (stress, anxiety, burnouts)
    – Mindfulness-meditation practices
    – Inner child and Shadow work
    – Working with Traumas
    – Fostering better habits
    – Build self love, self trust and self confidence

    In my sessions you will experience a variety of tools and techniques; cognitive behavior therapy, mindfulness practices, somatic experiences, neuro-linguistic programming!

    Excited to meet you! 

    Please write me to set the best date for your session
    or book directly, and I’ll come back to you within the next few hours.

    Expert:  SHERINA
    0 out of 5
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    1-On-1 Yoga Science Sadhana: Breathwork · Yin Yoga · Nidra 120.00

    75 Min Private Class · Ibiza or Online

    I have been working in the Health and Personal Development industry for 18 years.

    It has become increasingly clear to me that the right way to approach life is the path of the heart. 

    We need to evolve and expand our field of consciousness to get through these challenging times.

    To change our reality we need to step out of fear; with courage, love and compassion. 

    Starting with ourselves and then being able to radiate that light to our environment.

    Through a personalized practice based on the science of yoga you will achieve:

    * Moderate the prominence of your neocortex (overthinking mind).

    * Paying attention to your body – Reconnecting

    * Listen to your heart

    * Remember who you really are

    * Change the chemistry of your nervous system

    * Reduce anxiety and stress

    * Improve your rest

    * Reprogram your limiting beliefs

    * Heal your somatic marks

    * To live your life in your highest and fullest potential


    * Breathwork 

    * Yin Yoga

    * Yoga Nidra

    * Meditation

    Expert:  FER
    0 out of 5
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    11 x Clearing & Reading Sessions ( monthly) Online – 11 Hours 1444.00

    Package of 11 x 60 Min Readings
    Get ready to explore the magic of channeling and tarot reading.
    I am here for you as a channel for divine messages.

    • Channeling
    • Intuitive Tarot Reading
    • Akashic Record Reading
    • Tapping
    • Meditation
    • Spiritual guidance


    • Letting go of the energies that don’t serve  
    • Making some room inside to jump ahead
    • Clearing the path 
    • Making decisions
    Expert:  THERESA
    5 out of 5
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    3 Days Balanced Mama and Child – Recharge Retreat 1111.00

    3 nights
    When:  whenever suits you best. Contact us to reserve your dates
    for a mama and her child 
    all ages are welcome 

    This retreat is an occasion to strengthen your bond with your child and other mamas.

    We will connect with the land and animals, so our little explorer can learn how to care from an early age.

    We will play mindfully and model our kids balanced humans, inside and out.


    Kundalini Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Dynamic Yoga, Restorative Yoga, Yin Yoga

    Skill Level

    Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced


    Vegan, Vegetarian, Organic, Gluten Free, Low fat, Diabetic-friendly, Dairy-free


    5 days of daily movements, like dancing, yoga, kid-friendly fitness, and meditation will be part of our days!!

    Exploring the island with ease and discovering local events!

    We will visit local farms and villages, so you can see this magical island’s vibrant diversity.

    Free Gift 

    ·       Facial treatment
    ·       Playlist to Shift Your Daily Mood 


    ·      Be more relaxed and refreshed than you’ve ever been

    ·      Get a rare opportunity to really unplug

    ·      Restore your mind, body, and soul

    ·      Return home at peace and feeling refreshed in your body

    What Makes This Retreat Special

    This is a unique opportunity for mothers, to be supported, held, and seen. In a protected setting!

    You will be taken on an adventurous journey of playful growth. We will sing, dance and move together! And model to our children, what it means to share and trust one another.

    We can’t wait to spend time together and show you the highlights of our island!




    Cute room with old school finca seeling, 2 separate single beds, looking into the dreamy flourishing backyard.


    Sweet and bright queen size bedroom. Gazing at fresh blossoming flowers in the garden.

    The price is for mama and one child. ​​​​​​​Additional children are 600, please send an inquiry and ask for a custom offer.

    The price is for mama and one child.



    We will have plant-based kids friendly meals at home and as well we will have delicious meals in nice restaurants.


    Anna Maria

    was born in Poland and grew up in Germany.

    Already at the age of 18 years, she fell in deep love with meditation, followed by all styles of yoga, reiki, and all the magic the mindful world has to offer.

    Age of the child/ren: no restrictions. 

    What People Say

    I left feeling recharged, inspired, and ready to get back to “regular life.”

    My daughter and I had a wonderful time on this retreat with Anna and her adorable son!

    I’m recently separated from my daughter’s father and this retreat sounded like the perfect opportunity for us to travel, heal and bond. My daughter absolutely loved Anna.

    We got to slow down, do yoga, be in nature, explore the island, and feel supported. 

    As we drove away, my daughter said, “I already miss them.”

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    3 sessions package multidimensional energy healing 1:1 500.00

    This package of 3 sessions will allow us to dive deeper together into the multi layers of your energetic blueprints. We will meet every 2 weeks in 90 mins session.

    After each session’s recalibration and integration we will be able to access deeper data, process it and therefore activate more organic soul blueprints and recover soul fragments. These are the energetic foundation for manifesting your authentic timeline that includes your mission, abundance, emotional authentic expression, divine union partnership, authentic relationships, deeper connection to your higher self, better health, vitality, feeling inspired and powerful overall. 

     By working directly with Source I access the client’s multidimensional self frequency, which allows me to identify and clear at a deep cellular level any toxic mind programs, any ancestral, past lives or this life time traumatic cellular imprints that affects the person’s DNA and keeps them stuck in living a life out of alignment with their highest potential. This literary means an etheric surgery where I extract the inorganic energy patterns and activate the organic ones that were laying dormant due to traumatic experiences. The organic energy blueprints contain the unique gifts, talents, soul essences and purpose of that person which I will activate so they start generating energy and manifesting shifts in their lives.  This process is done through the use of sounds, light language and living plasma light. By correcting and healing the person’s energy field architecture, they will start recalibrating their frequency to their real self and gradually merging with their organic timeline in their daily life. 

    This sessions allow o identify and clear at cellular level:

    -limiting mind programs

    – ancestral, past lives or this lifetime trauma imprints from your DNA

    – entities attachments 

    – implants 

    After extracting your inorganic energy patterns I activate your organic ones which are vital to embody in your life because they hold the information of:

    Your unique gifts, talents, masculine and feminine expressions, purpose and mission. After I activate your organic energy blueprints they will start gradually generating energy and manifesting shifts in your life.

    In order to experience any shifts in our lives we must heal the energetic system first because everything is first in energy form

    Your benefits from this work are:

     – identify and align with your mission, 

    – manifesting abundance

    – emotional authentic expression, 

    – aligned relationships

    – sharpening your spiritual connection and intuition 

    – mental clarity 

    – physical and emotional pain release

    Expert:  CORINA
    0 out of 5
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    3 x Fear Release Sessions 275.00


    3 x 1,5 H Sessions 

    The best way to predict your future is to create it. Every time someone heals themselves, they are breaking a belief system about what was once thought impossible. – Dr. Joe Dispenza

    The best way to predict your future is to create it. Every time someone heals themselves, they are breaking a belief system about what was once thought impossible. – Dr. Joe Dispenza


    • People with fears
    • People with Burn-Out
    • People in crisis
    • People with lovesickness
    • Parents in crisis
    • People with a desire for further/personal development
    • Executives with a desire to expand their impact / personality development / decision-making / communication deficits
    Expert:  LESLIE
    0 out of 5
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    30 Min Trial Coaching Session 33.00

    The best way to predict your future is to create it. Every time someone heals themselves, they are breaking a belief system about what was once thought impossible. – Dr. Joe Dispenza


    • People with fears
    • People with Burn-Out
    • People in crisis
    • People with lovesickness
    • Parents in crisis
    • People with a desire for further/personal development
    • Executives with a desire to expand their impact / personality development / decision-making / communication deficits
    • People with communication problems
    Expert:  LESLIE
    0 out of 5
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    4 Days Balanced Mama and Child – Recharge Retreat – Ibiza 1222.00

    4days / 3 nights
    When:  whenever suits you best. Contact us to reserve your dates
    for a mama and her child 
    all ages are welcome 

    When: Lets discuss when it’s best for you 

    This retreat is an occasion to strengthen your bond with your child and other mamas.

    We will connect with the land and animals, so our little explorer can learn how to care from an early age.

    We will play mindfully and model our kids balanced humans, inside and out.


    Kundalini Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Dynamic Yoga, Restorative Yoga, Yin Yoga

    Skill Level

    Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced


    Vegan, Vegetarian, Organic, Gluten Free, Low fat, Diabetic-friendly, Dairy-free


    5 days of daily movements, like dancing, yoga, kid-friendly fitness, and meditation will be part of our days!!

    Exploring the island with ease and discovering local events!

    We will visit local farms and villages, so you can see this magical island’s vibrant diversity.

    Free Gift 

    ·       Facial treatment
    ·       Playlist to Shift Your Daily Mood 


    ·      Be more relaxed and refreshed than you’ve ever been

    ·      Get a rare opportunity to really unplug

    ·      Restore your mind, body, and soul

    ·      Return home at peace and feeling refreshed in your body

    What Makes This Retreat Special

    This is a unique opportunity for mothers, to be supported, held, and seen. In a protected setting!

    You will be taken on an adventurous journey of playful growth. We will sing, dance and move together! And model to our children, what it means to share and trust one another.

    We can’t wait to spend time together and show you the highlights of our island!




    Cute room with old school finca seeling, 2 separate single beds, looking into the dreamy flourishing backyard.


    Sweet and bright queen size bedroom. Gazing at fresh blossoming flowers in the garden.

    The price is for mama and one child. ​​​​​​​Additional children are 600, please send an inquiry and ask for a custom offer.

    The price is for mama and one child.



    We will have plant-based kids friendly meals at home and as well we will have delicious meals in nice restaurants.


    Anna Maria

    was born in Poland and grew up in Germany.

    Already at the age of 18 years, she fell in deep love with meditation, followed by all styles of yoga, reiki, and all the magic the mindful world has to offer.

    Age of the child/ren: no restrictions. 

    What People Say

    I left feeling recharged, inspired, and ready to get back to “regular life.”

    My daughter and I had a wonderful time on this retreat with Anna and her adorable son!

    I’m recently separated from my daughter’s father and this retreat sounded like the perfect opportunity for us to travel, heal and bond. My daughter absolutely loved Anna.

    We got to slow down, do yoga, be in nature, explore the island, and feel supported. 

    As we drove away, my daughter said, “I already miss them.”

    Expert:  ANNA MARIA
    0 out of 5
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    4 Sessions of Reading ( Online) – 4 Hours 444.00

    Get ready to explore the magic of tarot reading and my channeling.
    I am here for you as a channel for divine messages.


    • Channeling
    • Intuitive Tarot Reading
    • Akashic Record Reading
    • Spiritual guidance
    Expert:  THERESA
    5 out of 5
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    5 Sessions Package Yoga, Meditation, Healing 555.00

    With a unique and personalised practice, that I will design for my clients, I am awakening their awareness of their own kundalini energy within, to live their life’s in their highest and fullest potential. To heal and transform their nervous system.

    My methods are intuitively designed for my clients needs in the very present moment. That might me stillness, movements, reiki, dancing or shaking. Whatever it requires to make your soul shining. Beyond that I always shared my knowledge with the people around me to let it sink deeper.

    • Energy healing
    • Spiritual guidance
    • Meditation
    • Kundalini Yoga


    • Healing
    • Energy healing
    • Personal growth
    • Transformation
    Expert:  ANNA MARIA
    0 out of 5
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    60 min multidimensional energy healing session 1:1 200.00

    This remote energy healing process acts as an etheric surgery.

    It consists in opening a person’s energetic field through the connection to the living God Source which is telepathically communicating with us through the plasma in our nervous system. In this process I access your higher self frequency self, the REAL YOU, beneath your conditioned self. 

    This allows me to identify and clear at cellular level:

    -limiting mind programs

    – ancestral, past lives or this lifetime trauma imprints from your DNA

    – entities attachments 

    – implants 

    After extracting your inorganic energy patterns I activate your organic ones which are vital to embody in your life because they hold the information of:

    Your unique gifts, talents, masculine and feminine expressions, purpose and mission. After I activate your organic energy blueprints they will start gradually generating energy and manifesting shifts in your life.

    In order to experience any shifts in our lives we must heal the energetic system first because everything is first in energy form

    Your benefits from this work are:

     – identify and align with your mission, 

    – manifesting abundance

    – emotional authentic expression, 

    – aligned relationships

    – sharpening your spiritual connection and intuition 

    – mental clarity 

    – physical and emotional pain release

    Expert:  CORINA
    0 out of 5
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    Akashic Record Reading 80.00

    Every aspect of existence, including living beings, thoughts, actions, and Words, leave their vibrational imprint in the dimension known as “Akasha”.

    By opening your Akashic Records, I can channel for you essential information for your soul, that can guide your evolution and steers you forward the most favorable path. The process offers clarity, resolution of conflicts and understanding the root of traumas, limiting behaviors or karmic events in your life.

    Queries can pertain to diverse aspects of your life, such as relationships, career, health or past lives.

    Expert:  VALENTINA
    0 out of 5
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    AKASHIC RECORDS READING – your IKIGAI channelled – 2 h 120.00


    • 1h Akashic Records Reading where we will channel:
      • your IKIGAI (Life Purpose)
      • + those issues, situations, physical & emotional symptoms, relations, job, economy, gifts, home, beliefs, limiting patterns… that occur in your daily life and that you choose to work on, transcend and heal.
    • Healing with the Akashic Doctors included.

    Audio of the 1h Akashic Records Reading +IKIGAI

    The Akashic Reacords Reading give you the hand so you RE-CONNECT whith what you essentially are and what you came to do, so that you dare to live definitely more aligned with your moment and your choices. There begins your path of Well-Being in this Life and a successful path back home, which is nothing more than the reconection with your own soul essence outside of all time and space.


    • Understanding what is happening in your life
    • Convenient practical guidelines to follow to line up on your path
    • Clarity, direction and focus in your doing
    • Cosmological contectualization of your present moment
    • Deprogramming and Healing of Transgenerational and Past Lifes
    • Improvement of your Well-Being and Health

    About myself

    I am passionate about offering Guide and Accompaniments of Life from an approach where Modern Psychology joins with Spirituality in a practical way to achieve the maximum potential, Well-being and Health in our day to day.

    After years of personal introspection work, I have been training in those disciplines that personally supported me and continue to support me on my path of growth, which I want to share with you in the sessions. Some of these are Transpersonal Psychology, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Channeling and Akashic Records Readings, Akashic Doctors/Astral Surgery, Hebrew Pendulum and Ankh Cross.

    Expert:  CRISTINA
    0 out of 5
  • -16%Limited
    AKASHIC SOUL CHART (your Ikigai & Galactic Origins) 164.00

    This is a gift you give yourself, as it is designed to give you a deep understanding of WHO YOU ARE, WHERE YOU COME FROM AS AN STAR SEED, WHO ARE YOUR GALACTIC FAMILIES… In fact, it RE-CONNECTS YOU WITH YOUR INNER SELF. Knowing your Past makes you understand and manifest your Present, as well as project yourself more aligned towards the conveniences for your Future.


    • 2h Akashic Records Reading where we will channel your IKIGAI (Purpose of Life) plus those issues, situations, symptoms, beliefs, limiting patterns, relations, economy, home… that occur in your daily life and that you choose to work on, transcend and heal. Healing with the Akashic Doctors included.
    • +Radiesthesia Work with Crystal Pendulums, where we will determine your Galactic Origins & Soul Family, the highest Challenges and Learnings that you came to carry out in this incarnation, mission, among others.

    WHAT WILL YOU GET AFTER THE SESSION?  The creation of Your SOUL CHART! consisting of:

    • Audio of the 2h Akashic Records Reading +IKIGAI
    • Personalized Written Document & Audio of 20min interpretive of the same, fruit of the work carried out with the Pendulums


    • Understanding what is happening in your life
    • Convenient practical guidelines to follow to line up on your path
    • Clarity, direction and focus in your doing
    • Cosmological contectualization of your present moment
    • Deprogramming and Healing of Transgenerational and Past Lifes
    • Improvement of your Well-Being and Health

    About Cristina…

    I am passionate about offering Guide and Accompaniments of Life from an approach where Modern Psychology joins with Spirituality in a practical way to achieve the maximum potential, Well-being and Health in our day to day.

    After years of personal introspection work, I have been training in those disciplines that personally supported me and continue to support me on my path of growth, which I want to share with you in the sessions. Some of these are Transpersonal Psychology, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Channeling and Akashic Records Readings, Akashic Doctors/Astral Surgery, Hebrew Pendulum and Ankh Cross.

    Expert:  CRISTINA
    0 out of 5
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