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    New You – 4 sessions for 1:1 or private groups – Ibiza 400.00

    Program for Body & Mind Process of personal development and evolution.

    What you will achieve:

    *Feeling more vital

    *See yourself in shape

    *Master your emotions and thoughts

    *Live with meaning

    Pack of 4 classes of physical activity, breathwork and techniques from the yoga science.

    An ancient tantric text says: “Deep within lies a real and everlasting joy. A human being is born to dive deep into the stream of life, find the hidden treasure and attain eternal fulfillment.”

    Physical Activity and Movement
    We configure a personalized exercise practice according to your needs and objectives.    We apply different techniques:  Fitness, HIIT, Pilates,  hatha Yoga,  Yin Yoga

    Respiratory Techniques Breathing
    is the most immediate and predictable means of stimulating your nervous system. 

     Ancient traditions and updated science certify the benefits of the forgotten art of breathing.    We work Pranayama and other breathing exercises according to your needs, your lifestyle and approaches.

    Relaxation and Visualization Techniques
    Nidra, Sankalpa and other practices of the science of Yoga at the service of your personal evolution. 
    Set resolutions. Change your habits. Give up negative behaviors and thought patterns.    Neuroscience and ancient cultures gathered in these resources that will change your life forever.
    Fulfillment is achieved by practice.

    *No experience is necessary, these practices are accessible to anyone.

    Send DM for more info and to set up the date 

    Expert:  FER
    0 out of 5
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    Pilates & Yin · 90 mins class – for 1:1 or group – Ibiza 120.00

    Activate your body and relax your mind from a somatic approach.

    Get stronger and leaner. Improve your flexibility and postural hygiene. Prevents back pain. Release muscular contractures and stiffenss. Increase your concentration and balance the subtle energies (mind-emotions-soul).

    Pilates is a technique of physical and mental exercise that combines flow, strength, mind control and conscious breathing.

    Yin is a kind of Yoga that combines Tantra Yoga, Chinese medicine and updated science. It focuses on the health of joints and deep connective tissue. It is a perfect complement for other intense physical activities. 

    *No experience is necessary, these practices are accessible to anyone.

    Send DM for more info and to set up the date 

    Expert:  FER
    0 out of 5
  • -10%Limited

    Your Private Magical Retreat

    This 4-day life changing retreat
    provides even more depth in the insights about yourself and will bring you optimal release and relaxation. Whether reinventing your personal life or professional career, expect to dive deep into your interests, your patterns of behavior, your sources of frustration, and your purpose in the world. You’ll be expertly guided to use the insights you gain as pointers towards a new path. Over these days, you’ll gradually gain clarity for a lifestyle changes aspects as health, relationship, or career purposes.


    • daily yoga ( kundalini & vinyasa)
    • Constellation work : systemic constellation – a very successful patterns dissolving, problem solution work
    • nutrition consultation by expert
    • massage
    • yoga nidra
    • breathwork
    • meditation
    • hikes
    • sound healing
    • creative tools to release and recharge.

    After this retreat you will feel uplifted, harmonious and changed.

    Constellation work 

    Constellation work aims to bring awareness and understanding to hidden dynamics, allowing for healing, reconciliation, and resolution. It can offer insights into personal and collective challenges, traumas, conflicts, and relational issues. By honoring and acknowledging the interconnectedness of individuals within a system, constellations can help restore balance, harmony, and healthy relationships.


    • Life changing insights
    • Better knowledge of yourself
    • Relaxation of the body and mind
    • Calm mind
    • Less stress
    • More focus
    • More awareness
    • Energized
    • Being happy



    Yoga, Breathwork teacher since 2012. She teaches the following yoga styles: Vinyasa, Hatha, Jivamukti. She is passionate about transformation and teaching people technics that support them in managing better their daily life. Furthermore, she is founder of, a platform for conscious experiences in Ibiza, Berlin, Tulum & online.


    Elena is a highly experienced facilitator of Family Constellations with over 15 to 20 years of training and healing from renowned teachers like Bert Hellinger and Maria Martinez Calderon. She is well-versed in energy healing, having undergone deep training in intuition and perception at the School of Intuition and Life “Eivida”. Elena is a Usui Reiki Master and has studied various modalities, including the Tagdröl Method and holistic massage. With a strong commitment to personal growth, she has practiced yoga, meditation, and Tantra for over two decades. Elena’s journey also includes extensive studies in Shamanism and organizing Women’s Circles. She is a well-rounded facilitator and healer with diverse knowledge.

    How to reserve your spot 

    Book here via website or contact one of the facilitators to reserve your spot

     Cancellation Policy

    • A reservation requires a deposit of 30% of the total price
    • The deposit is non-refundable, if the booking is cancelled
    • The rest of the payment should be paid on arrival

       What People Say
      “I had the incredible opportunity to experience a Family Constellation session facilitated by Elena, and it had a profound impact on me. Throughout the session, Elena skillfully guided us through the process, creating a safe and nurturing space for exploration and healing.

      During the constellation, I was able to gain insights into deep-rooted family patterns that were affecting my life. Through the representation of family members and the energetic dynamics unveiled, I could finally see and understand the underlying dynamics at play. It was like shining a light into the dark corners of my family system.

      Through Elena’s gentle guidance and support, I felt empowered to address and heal these unresolved issues. The session brought a sense of clarity and resolution that I had been seeking for years. It was truly liberating.

      Since the constellation session, I have noticed profound shifts in my relationships and personal growth. I have felt a newfound sense of peace, as the weight of ancestral burdens has lifted.”

      Accommodation: Not included in the price. We help you to book you in a hotel, a house, or a community. Please contact us to discuss the available options.
      Booking: Contact us to reserve your spot for a revitalizing experience in Ibiza.

  • 09/03/2024-15/03/2024

    6 day All inclusive Spiritual Women’s RETREAT IN IBIZA

    Come heal & embody your feminine energy. Let’s meet in Sisterhood and step into a self-empowered and self-confident versions.


    Where: Ibiza, South West Area


    💫6 days, 5 nights at our wonderful Retreat Villa, 

    💫2 organic based meals per day

    All activities such as:

    💫 Yin Yoga

    💫 Daily Meditation, Workshops and Embodiment practices 

    💫 Powerful Breathwork

    💫 Inner child & Forgiveness

    💫 Letting go Fire Ritual

    💫 Hiking, dancing, laughing

    💫 Hippy Market visit 

    💫Spiritual Ceremonies and Rituals

    💫 Goddess fotoshoot


    1699.-€  in shared double room. 

    1999.-€ Single Room. 

    Schedule example:

    09:00 Meditation/ Yoga

    11:00 Healthy breakfast

    12:30 Cave Tanit and beach

    16:00 warm meal

    17:00 Workshop: How to move stuck energy through dance and movement 

    20:00 Tapas

    We are looking forward to welcome you on this beautiful journey in Ibiza.

    Du willst…

    … die Beziehung zu dir selbst in das nächste Level bringen.

    … Körper und Geist detoxen und den Alltagsstress hinter dir lassen. 

    … deinen Kopf abschalten und in deinem Körper Verbundenheit und Leichtigkeit spüren.

    … alten Ballast transformieren und Vergangenes loslassen.

    … deine weibliche Seite verkörpern lernen.

    … dein Herz mit magischen Momenten füllen.

    … deine innere Schamanin in Ritualen erwecken.

    … dich energetisch reinigen, um Platz und Leichtigkeit zu fühlen.  

    … dich mit deinem inneren Kind versöhnen und gemeinsam an eurer Vision arbeiten. 

    …deine Manifestationskraft stärken, um der Realisierung deiner Wünsche näher zu kommen. 

    … mit mehr Klarheit  und Mut nach Hause kehren.

    … mit anderen Frauen wahre Sisterhood erleben.

    … unvergessliche Erinnerungen aus Ibiza mitnehmen .

    Sag JA zum nächsten Muse Retreat Ibiza und werde Teil dieser authentischen und herzöffnenden Community. 

    Bist du bereit in diesen Kreis zu kommen? Wir warten auf dich. 

    Inhalte des Retreats: 

    Breathwork, Yoga & geführte Meditationen (keine Vorerfahrung notwendig)

    Workshops: innere Kind Arbeit, Emotionale Intelligenz, Weibliche Energie

    Rituale & Workshops: Manifestations-Ritual , Feuer-Ritual, Vergebungs-Ritual, Wut-Ritual, Cacao Zeremonie

    Ausflüge an die magische Natur-Orte der Insel z.B. in eine geheime Höhle und Es Vedra Sunset

    Gruppen-Fotoshooting & und vieles mehr.


    6 plus 1 Bonus Übernachtungen in der Villa (Garten, Jacuzzi, Pool) 

    2 x am Tag vegane Verpflegung

    Workshops & Rituale

    alle Ausflüge

    Dies ist deine Gelegenheit Ballast abzuwerfen und dabei die Beziehung zu dir selbst zu bestärken. Während der gemeinsamen Zeit gehen wir sanft in unsere Tiefe, um hier Verbindung, Kraft, Leichtigkeit und Inspiration zu finden. 

    In den Breathwork-Sessions, wirst du in eine kraftvolle Art der Meditation und der Bewusstseinserweiterung eingeführt.

    In den Meditationen ernst du dich zu zentrieren, im Moment anzukommen und dich energetisch zu reinigen.

    In den Yoga Sessions kommst du in Verbindung mit deinem Körper, lernst im Moment zu sein und dich körperlich zu detoxes.

    In den Ritualen entdeckst du deine innere Schamanin und Selbst-Heilungskräfte. Du lässt los, öffnest dein Herz und verbindest dich mit deiner Kraft und Schönheit

    Im den Workshops erhält du Tools , die deinen Alltag bewusster und leichter machen.

    In der Freizeit integrierst du und lässt die Seele baumeln, gemeinsam it den anderen oder für dich selbst. 

    Bei den Ausflügen  kommst du in direkten Kontakt mit der unglaublichen Natur Ibizas. 

    OPTION 1:



    ihr teilt euch zu 4 ein Bad, und habt eine private Terrasse, 

    die auf dem Pool blickt. Gemeinschaftsgefühl: 


    OPTION 2: 


    das Bad wird mit einem anderem Zimmer geteilt: 


    OPTION 3: 




    OPTION 3: 


    teilt sich ein Bad und die Terrasse 

    mit einem anderem Zimmer. 

    Liegt Abgelegener im Garten: 


    Expert:  SILVIA
    0 out of 5
  • Sunset Slow Flow Yoga – Ibiza Rooftop Session – every Thursday 28.00

    every Thursday 
    at Talamanca Beach 
    7:30 – 8:30 PM
    Ibiza Rooftop Session

    Join us for a serene and rejuvenating slow yoga session led by the renovated yoga teacher and fitness trainer Ryan. 

    Breathe in the fresh sea air as you flow through gentle postures and meditation on the stunning rooftop overlooking the picturesque Talamanca Ibiza Bay. 

    Let the spectacular view and peaceful ambiance guide you into a state of deep relaxation and mindfulness. This class is perfect for unwinding, releasing stress, and connecting with the tranquility of the present moment. All levels are welcome to this calming and restorative yoga experience.

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    Yoga at playa d’en Bossa 0.00

    Daily 60 minutes yoga session at 9:30am from 20.04
    and includes a healthy juice and tea or coffee after class.  

    The session is €25 per person, paid at the Beachhouse directly.

    The Playa d’en Bossa beach is beautiful in the early morning sun and a stunning backdrop for beach yoga, the perfect natural surroundings.
    Join for a daily morning yoga guided by the master teachers in Ibiza.
    * The yoga mats are available on request.

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    Yoga by donation at Playa d’en Bossa – Sundays 0.00

    Yoga by donation

    Every Sunday at 9:30- 11:00

    Different style and different teacher every week. 

    SOS yoga is collecting money for a charity. For more infos please ask the teacher directly after the class. 

  • -
    Yoga with Dunia – 60 min – Ibiza 90.00

    Yoga Sacred ancient tradition that offer us ways to wave together body, mind and spirit to enhace ultimate wealth, vitality, grounding, purification and fortification of the peace within. A sessions includdes Asana (physical postures and movements), pranayama (breathingwork) and meditation.

    At your place or in nature.

    Dunia is licensed in psychology and master degree in integrative body therapy. Beside her western studies, she has being immersed into the yoga practice and teachings since her 23 years old when she travelled to India, becoming a way of living for her.  She keeps studying the tradition but also new forms of healing arts and is passionate to facilitate transformational experiences. Safety and integration are keywords in her work.

    For a private session and for your group. Please write me to make an appointment. 

    Expert:  DUNIA
    0 out of 5
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    Yoga with Dunia – 90 min – Ibiza 120.00

    Yoga Sacred ancient tradition that offer us ways to wave together body, mind and spirit to enhace ultimate wealth, vitality, grounding, purification and fortification of the peace within. A sessions includdes Asana (physical postures and movements), pranayama (breathingwork) and meditation.

    At your place or in nature.

    Dunia is licensed in psychology and master degree in integrative body therapy. Beside her western studies, she has being immersed into the yoga practice and teachings since her 23 years old when she travelled to India, becoming a way of living for her.  She keeps studying the tradition but also new forms of healing arts and is passionate to facilitate transformational experiences. Safety and integration are keywords in her work.

    For a private session and for your group. Please write me to make an appointment. 

  • -10%Limited
    Zen in Ibiza – Private Retreat – 3 nights 999.00

    29.12 – 1.01.2024
    Escape to a private retreat in Ibiza and indulge in an exclusive rejuvenating experience. This retreat provides the perfect opportunity to disconnect from the chaos of everyday life and reconnect with your mind, body, and soul.

    WHEN? Choose your dates and let us know, when you would like to arrive. 

    WHERE ?
    Nestled in the idyllic countryside of north Ibiza, San Miguel, a casita awaits you with a refreshing swimming pool, picturesque nature walks, and luxurious rooms equipped with air conditioning.

    Our facilitator Anna Maria will guide you through kundalini yoga and meditation sessions, bringing you to a state of peace and reflection. Immerse yourself in the island’s natural surroundings with refreshing scenic hikes, and end your day with a feast of healthy and delicious plant-based meals.

    This retreat provides the opportunity to access inner peace, restore physical and emotional well-being and find balance. Whether you are seeking tranquillity, clarity, or spiritual alignment, our private retreat in Ibiza will leave you renewed and connected.

    Join us for this exclusive retreat, connect with nature, and indulge in a transformative experience that will rejuvenate and uplift you. Contact us today to reserve your spot and experience the magic of Ibiza.

    Accomondation – 3 nights
    Healthy Food – breakfast & dinner
    Kundalini Yoga x 1h
    Meditation x 1 ( dynamic, osho, static, guided)
    Breathwork & yin yoga x 1h
    Hikes x 1 a day 
    Tips & tricks for happy life

    Our upcoming retreat dates are flexible and can be adjusted to fit your schedule. We understand the importance of finding convenient dates that work for you. Please let us know how we can accommodate your preferred dates and we will do our best to make it happen. 
    Thank you for choosing us, and we look forward to hearing back from you soon.

    +34 641 948 162

    Expert:  ANNA MARIA
    0 out of 5


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