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    Osteopathic Treatment – 60 Min – Ibiza 90.00

    60 Min of private treatment
    I am happy you are here, looking to improve your life. The treatment takes place in Santa Eularia. 
    I am looking forward to treat your symptoms.
    If the session is needed immediately, please write me before ordering so we can discuss the best time for you. 

    Expert:  EDI
    0 out of 5
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    Oteopathic Treatment – 90 Min – Ibiza 120.00

    Happy you are here, looking to improve your life.
    I will be coming to your house, hotel or place you choose with my table and looking forward to treat your symptoms. 

    After booking I will call you and make the appointment for you on the  best time that suites you.
    You can write me before the booking, if you have any specific questions. 
    90 Min 

    Expert:  EDI
    0 out of 5
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    Duration: ca. 2/3 h


    When they are in tune with their life purpose.

    Regression is rediscovering, remembering, reaffirming your purpose. You don’t look for belief, you find direct experience. Go to the root, the origin, where, when, with whom, why… and understanding grants Freedom. Observing events objectively allows you to feel that the pieces of the puzzle fit together, that connected things are where they should be. Being in tune with our purpose allows us to flow and understand that within the chaos everything moves to the same rhythm, there is a movement that synchronizes all events.


    Quantum physics explains that in the Universe everything is happening at once. When we make a “regression” we are not literally seeing past lives, in reality, they are stories that belong in some way to simultaneous existences, latent stories that directly concern the present.

    We can conceive of the Universe as a toroid or a three-dimensional spiral through which we transit momentarily. Within this spiral, each present constituted by now, now, now, now; corresponds to a spatio-temporal location. Time does not stop and is governed by change. Consequently, this coordinate is different in each present, because it transits, it is always in movement and like a radio station it tunes on/off, activating and deactivating different temporal lines that connect the present with possible “pasts” and possible “futures”.

    We could understand then, that making a regression means accessing a field of information where other existences, corresponding to certain coordinates, have a direct connection with our present. The body is like an onion made up of different dimensions that contain the information or experiences that we had-have-had-will have in those other coordinates. All the chronicles of the trajectory that we trace within this spiral called life, reside in the microcosm contained in each cell of our body. It is in each cell and therefore within oneself where all the memories of other existences dwell.

    Accessing one’s own information is much simpler than it seems. By doing a “regression” one directly accesses that which is coexisting in our present.  To make a “regression” means to carry out a guided meditation. Meditation allows a state of relaxation where the person is daydreaming and can consciously narrate aloud everything that is seeing and perceiving. Some people are more visual, others describe sounds, smells, temperature… or even the touch of things. How the information is received is indifferent, what matters is to access the content of the story to recognize it, experience it and transcend it.

    Expert:  CLAUDIA
    5 out of 5
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    Pilates & Yin · 90 mins class – for 1:1 or group – Ibiza 120.00

    Activate your body and relax your mind from a somatic approach.

    Get stronger and leaner. Improve your flexibility and postural hygiene. Prevents back pain. Release muscular contractures and stiffenss. Increase your concentration and balance the subtle energies (mind-emotions-soul).

    Pilates is a technique of physical and mental exercise that combines flow, strength, mind control and conscious breathing.

    Yin is a kind of Yoga that combines Tantra Yoga, Chinese medicine and updated science. It focuses on the health of joints and deep connective tissue. It is a perfect complement for other intense physical activities. 

    *No experience is necessary, these practices are accessible to anyone.

    Send DM for more info and to set up the date 

    Expert:  FER
    0 out of 5
  • RADIANT SOUL – live online course- 10 sessions 390.00


      we can establish a day that is the best for you
    • WHERE: Through ZOOM online application in your computer/laptop at the comfort of your house. Live online. It is not a recorded course.
      2 h , 1 session per week. Total duration: 10 weeks 
    • FOR: Men & Women. If you want to improve your self-esteem, increase your personal worth, activate your creative and manifesting skills, liberate yourself from stress, anxiety, fear, depression and low vibrational states, heal emotional blockages, feel more empowered & confident, and know how to liberate yourself through art, dance and meditation.
    • WHAT :This course is taught with the “creative coaching method” which unites meditation with art therapy, systemic physicology, family constellations, regressive therapy, energetic dance, ritual art, the healing power of music and dance, and other therapeutic tools Clara has learned during more than 20 years of experience in the field of personal development using arts as great tools for self development and healing.
    • • You will have the opportunity to ask and resolve your doubts in each of the 10 sessions of the course.
    • • The course is with limited places, a maximum of 5 places, so that it can be as personalized as possible.

    • You will get a dossier of each one of the modules with all the theoretical information, and together with the practical exercises so that you can practice as many times as you need. And you can save and access them forever.

    • You will have access to your personal area to the intranet of the course with your personal password where you will be able to access all the material where the entire course is organized by modules.

    • You will access the music playlist so that after classes, you can practice at home with the music of the course, all the exercises shared in the classes.

    • You will be able to obtain all the meditations of the course so that you can do them whenever you want.

    • In each session there will be several therapeutic art activities that will help your healing and personal transformation.

    • In all the sessions we will end the session with an energetic dance to activate your vital energy centers and increase your well-being, your joy and your vitality, helping to anchor what has been learned in each session.

    SESSION 1: Personal therapy session with Clara

    • In this session you will have a personalized session with me in which, for 45 minutes, we will be able to talk about your current situation, your areas of difficulty and what you would like to improve. In this way, I can advise you in your specific case about how you can make the most of the course and can improve in those specific areas what do you need.

    SESSION 2: Heal your inner child and free yourself from the burdens of the past
    • Learn the importance of releasing your blocks and burdens from the past in order to live a full life in your present.

    • Access the healing meditations of your past and healing of your inner child so that you can recognize those moments of pain, trauma or difficulty and be able to free yourself, learning tools to manage yourself, heal and reconnect with a greater well-being in your day to day.
    • Create your personal power totem out of clay to integrate the healing experience of meditation.
    • Energy dance to release blockages, increase your vital energy, integration of experience and reconnection with joy.

    SESSION 3: Increase your self-esteem healing with your mother and integrating your feminine energy.
    • Restore your feminine energy, thanks to this you will significantly increase your self-esteem, learning to take care of yourself, nurture yourself, expanding your capacity to give and receive affection and love.
    • Healing meditation with your mother. Healing your bond with mom.
    • Create a drawing of the felt experience in meditation to enhance the anchoring of healing.
    • Create your abstract artistic canvas that symbolizes the experience
    • Energy dance to release blockages, increase your vital energy, integration of experience andreconnection with joy.

    SESSION 4: Increase your self-esteem healing with your father and integrating your masculine energy.
    • Restore your masculine energy. You will learn to say no to toxic situations or situations that do not suit you, to set limits, activate your personal power, activate your power to achieve your goals and develop a greater respect for yourself.
    • Explanation of what the father represents and the importance of healing the bond with your father to improve your self esteem.
    • Healing meditation with your father.
    • Painting exercise of the felt experience in meditation.
    • Energy dance to release blockages, increase your vital energy, integration of experience and reconnection with joy.

    SESSION 5: Feel whole by yourself
    • Explanation of the orders of love and the systemic keys to feel full for yourself and have relationships with harmony.
    • Meditation to heal the relationship your parents had, which will make you feel complete and It will improve your way of relating, feeling greater inner peace.
    • Creation of a painting that represents the experience
    • Energy dance to release blockages, increase your vital energy, integration of experience and reconnection with joy.

    SESSION 6: Transform your limiting beliefs
    • Explanation about limiting beliefs and how to transform them.
    • Belief reprogramming meditation.
    • Create a list of your new affirmations and positive beliefs.
    • You will work your new beliefs through art.
    • Exercises to activate your new beliefs.
    • Energy dance to release blockages, increase your vital energy, integration of experience andreconnection with joy.

    SESSION 7: Discover what makes you unique and boost your self worth.
    • Explanation of the importance of acknowledge and value your abilities and talents.
    • Emotional release drawing.
    • Discover the gifts you have inherited from your own family lineage and increase your worth.
    • Discover your multiple intelligences.
    • Create your value symbol. And creative ritual to activate your value with art.
    • Energy dance to release blockages, increase your vital energy, integration of experience and reconnection with joy.

    SESSION 8: Know how to liberate yourself from low vibrational estates and clean your energetic field
    • Meditation to activate your energy centers & clean your energy
    • Wellness rituals for your daily life
    • Clean your energy and raise your vibration
    • Dance to activate your freedom, vitality  and radiance

    SESSION 9: Activate your creative power to manifest the reality you desire.
    • Emotional release drawing.
    • Learn to visualization of your best potential future.
    • Keys to the conscious creation of your own reality.
    • Creation of an artistic collage or manifestation vision board.
    • Quantum writing to manifest your intentions
    • Keys to listen and trust your inner guide.

    SESSION 10: Discover your purpose.
    • Exercise to discover your purpose to connect with your fullness.
    • Creation and activation of your altar of artistic power with all the exercises of the course and keys for its activation to empower you every day and remember everything learned.
    • Resolution of doubts and final details of the course.
    • Energetic dance of rebirth. We welcome our radiant woman.



    Expert:  CLARA
    0 out of 5
  • RADIANT WOMAN – Private Retreat In Ibiza 880.00

    STARTS: whenever it suits you best, contact us 
    DURATION: from 4 days and more
    WHERE: we will recommend you a few beautiful places to stay and will help with the booking 

    • FOR:  Women. If you want to improve your self-esteem, increase your personal worth, activate your creative and manifesting skills, liberate yourself from stress, anxiety, fear, depression and low vibrational states, heal emotional blockages, feel more empowered & confident, and know how to liberate yourself through art, dance and meditation.

    WHAT :This retreat is taught with the “creative coaching method” which unites meditation with art therapy, systemic physicology, family constellations, regressive therapy, energetic dance, ritual art, the healing power of music and dance, and other therapeutic tools Clara has learned during more than 20 years of experience in the field of personal development using arts as great tools for self development and healing.

    ***** Retreat with Clara

    • In this retreat you will have a personalized session in which, you will be able to talk about your current situation, your areas of difficulty and what you would like to improve. In this way, I can advise you in your specific case about how you can make the most of the course and can improve in those specific areas, what do you need.

    **** Heal your inner child and free yourself from the burdens of the past
    • Learn the importance of releasing your blocks and burdens from the past in order to live a full life in your present.

    • Access the healing meditations of your past and healing of your inner child so that you can recognize those moments of pain, trauma or difficulty and be able to free yourself, learning tools to manage yourself, heal and reconnect with a greater well-being in your day to day.
    • Create your personal power totem out of clay to integrate the healing experience of meditation.
    • Energy dance to release blockages, increase your vital energy, integration of experience and reconnection with joy.

    ***** Increase your self-esteem healing with your mother and integrating your feminine energy.
    • Restore your feminine energy, thanks to this you will significantly increase your self-esteem, learning to take care of yourself, nurture yourself, expanding your capacity to give and receive affection and love.
    • Healing meditation with your mother. Healing your bond with mom.
    • Create a drawing of the felt experience in meditation to enhance the anchoring of healing.
    • Create your abstract artistic canvas that symbolizes the experience
    • Energy dance to release blockages, increase your vital energy, integration of experience andreconnection with joy.

    ****Increase your self-esteem healing with your father and integrating your masculine energy.
    • Restore your masculine energy. You will learn to say no to toxic situations or situations that do not suit you, to set limits, activate your personal power, activate your power to achieve your goals and develop a greater respect for yourself.
    • Explanation of what the father represents and the importance of healing the bond with your father to improve your self esteem.
    • Healing meditation with your father.
    • Painting exercise of the felt experience in meditation.
    • Energy dance to release blockages, increase your vital energy, integration of experience and reconnection with joy.

    *****Feel whole by yourself
    • Explanation of the orders of love and the systemic keys to feel full for yourself and have relationships with harmony.
    • Meditation to heal the relationship your parents had, which will make you feel complete and It will improve your way of relating, feeling greater inner peace.
    • Creation of a painting that represents the experience
    • Energy dance to release blockages, increase your vital energy, integration of experience and reconnection with joy.

    *****Transform your limiting beliefs
    • Explanation about limiting beliefs and how to transform them.
    • Belief reprogramming meditation.
    • Create a list of your new affirmations and positive beliefs.
    • You will work your new beliefs through art.
    • Exercises to activate your new beliefs.
    • Energy dance to release blockages, increase your vital energy, integration of experience andreconnection with joy.

    **** Discover what makes you unique and boost your self worth.
    • Explanation of the importance of acknowledge and value your abilities and talents.
    • Emotional release drawing.
    • Discover the gifts you have inherited from your own family lineage and increase your worth.
    • Discover your multiple intelligences.
    • Create your value symbol. And creative ritual to activate your value with art.
    • Energy dance to release blockages, increase your vital energy, integration of experience and reconnection with joy.

    ****Know how to liberate yourself from low vibrational estates and clean your energetic field
    • Meditation to activate your energy centers & clean your energy
    • Wellness rituals for your daily life
    • Clean your energy and raise your vibration
    • Dance to activate your freedom, vitality  and radiance

    **** Activate your creative power to manifest the reality you desire.
    • Emotional release drawing.
    • Learn to visualization of your best potential future.
    • Keys to the conscious creation of your own reality.
    • Creation of an artistic collage or manifestation vision board.
    • Quantum writing to manifest your intentions
    • Keys to listen and trust your inner guide.

    **** Discover your purpose
    • Exercise to discover your purpose to connect with your fullness.
    • Creation and activation of your altar of artistic power with all the exercises of the course and keys for its activation to empower you every day and remember everything learned.
    • Resolution of doubts and final details of the course.
    • Energetic dance of rebirth. We welcome our radiant woman.



    Expert:  CLARA
    0 out of 5
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    Reiki Circle with Soundhealing – for a group/ or 1:1 150.00

    Discover the transformative synergy of Reiki with Soundhealing in a unique experience that will Higher your vibrations at a deep level. 

    The session helps to release stress and to dissolve physical, mental and emotional blockages. The Reiki energy is combined by therapeutic sound which cleanse, activate, stimulate and promote healing where needed.

    The experience is designed for groups seeking to strenghten their connections and cultivate love, understanding, peace, and harmony. Ideal for couples seeking relationship healing, as well as for celebratory occasions such as marriages, birthdays, bachelorette parties, Family trips, gathering of friends or Team bulding activities. 

    Expert:  VALENTINA
    0 out of 5
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    Sacred Sexuality online consultation 100.00

    This is an offering to those who are new on their journey with Tantra and Sacred Sexuality and want to make first steps – men or women.

    We will take time to hear your needs and desires and I will share my knowledge.
    You will receive tips and reflections and this should give you an idea of what are your next steps to take.

    From there you can inquire into programs I offer (online or in person), jump into tantric, somatic bodywork session with me (Ibiza or Berlin) or keep exploring elsewhere.

    50mins – 100€

    0 out of 5
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    Shamanic Soundhealing for group or 1:1 in Ibiza 400.00

    Are you ready to embark on a journey of profound healing and transformation? Discover the magic of sound with our enchanting group soundhealing experience led by the talented Katarina.

    Using a captivating array of shamanic instruments, Katarina creates a sonic landscape that transcends the barriers of time and space. Allow the haunting melodies of her flutes to transport you to ancient realms, while the ethereal vibrations of crystal bowls and Tibetan bowls envelop your senses, taking you on a deep inner journey.

    But that’s not all. Katarina’s sessions are not just about sound; they are about creating a sacred space for healing and connection. Through her sacred blessings and rituals, she sets an intention for each session, infusing it with the power of ancient wisdom and healing energy.

    As the vibrations of the instruments wash over you, you will feel a profound sense of relaxation and release. The gentle strumming of the guitar and the subtle aromas of essential oils further enhance the experience, creating a multisensory journey of healing and rejuvenation.

    Bring along your friends, family, or colleagues for a truly unique and transformative group soundhealing experience. Katarina’s sessions can accommodate a range of group sizes, allowing everyone to bathe in the harmonious sounds and vibrations together. Embrace the power of sound and embark on a voyage of self-discovery, healing, and connection. Book your group soundhealing experience with Katarina today and unlock the potential of sound to nourish your mind, body, and soul.

    Expert:  KATARINA
    5 out of 5
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    Shine: Hair & Make-up with Energy Healing – Package 280.00

    Introducing the Ultimate Beauty and Energy Renewal Program!


    We believe that true beauty radiates from both inside and out. That’s why we have created a unique and comprehensive service that combines the power of hair & make-up with the incredible benefits of energy healing. Say goodbye to the traditional beauty routine and prepare to embark on a transformational experience like no other.

    Our expert team understands the importance of nurturing your inner beauty and energy to truly achieve a radiant and confident self. From luxurious hair styling to flawless make-up application, we have you covered for any occasion. Whether it’s a party, wedding, your bachelorette celebration, or simply a day dedicated to pampering yourself, our services will leave you feeling like a true shining star.


    The best part? We conveniently bring the beauty and energy renewal right to your doorstep. Whether you’re at home, staying in a hotel, or sailing on a yacht, our dedicated professionals will create a tranquil atmosphere wherever you are. Enjoy the comfort and convenience of our services in the privacy of your own space.

    Why not make it a day to remember by inviting your friends to join you?


    Our Inner & Outer Beauty Day package allows you to share this unique experience also with your closest friends. Indulge in rejuvenating treatments together and witness the magic that unfolds as your energy aligns and your beauty shines bright. Contact us for a special group price.

    So, what are you waiting for? Book your beauty program with us and let us help you glow, inside and out. You deserve to feel confident, radiant, and truly magical. Trust us to bring out your true beauty and leave you ready to conquer any event or celebration life throws your way.

    Contact us today and get ready to unleash your inner glow!

    duration: 2h

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    Solar Return Chart 65.00

    Your Solar Return is a key theme in your chart yearly. It marks the point when the
    Sun returns to its natal place in your natal birth chart. .
    It helps so much to know which themes will be coming up in your life and also
    which houses will be emphasized and activated by your solar return, as they will
    be different than those houses in your natal chart.

    Astrology is above all, a tool to know and understand the universal energy climate
    that dictates the movement of the cosmos at all times.
    It could be said that astrology would be like the meteorology of universal energy:
    it gives us a report of the energy climate of the day and we can decide whether to
    carry an umbrella or not.
    The will and the possibility of choosing depend on how we use what we have:
    • On the physical plane we are aware of having the ability to choose. We know
    what actions inevitably lead to pain, and if we don’t want to feel pain, we avoid
    • On the level of the intangible, these signs are equally inevitable but in a less
    obvious way.
    Astrology is a means to become aware of that
    relationship in the intangible plane with respect to the experience of oneself in
    this life.

    Please write me to set the best date for your session or
    book directly and I come back to you within the few hours. 

    Expert:  MARIA
    0 out of 5
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    Soul Replenishment Session ✩ 257.00

    (Reading of Akashic Records and Tarot)

    + Energy Healing Session)

    (Most recommended)

    A deep card reading followed by a magical energy integration session.

    This powerful combination session allows all the information and your energy you have received to be subtly integrated creating a sense of deep calm.

    You will leave the session with clear vision and a higher and more grounded state of mind.

    Expert:  ROSE
    0 out of 5
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    Sunset Sound Journey at Es Vedra (Ibiza) 250.00

    Sunset Sound Journey 
     at Magical Es Vedra (Ibiza)

    with crystal bowls, Tibetan bowls, drums and more.  

    waken Your Senses at Es Verda: An Immersive Sound Healing Journey

    Escape to the sacred site of Ibiza with the view on Es Verda in Ibiza and join a transformative sound journey as the sun dips below the horizon. This mystical mountain, with its potent magnetic fields, offers a portal to deeper states of awareness and connection.

    Be immersed in a symphony of ancient instruments – crystal bowls and other instruments – that will gently wash over you, inducing profound relaxation and meditation. As the rhythmic pulses of the drum unite us, you’ll be guided to let go of any worries, reconnecting with the primal essence of the earth.

    Emerge from this experience with a renewed sense of clarity, peace, and purpose – forever changed by the magic that transpires within the embrace of this hallowed ground.

    Don’t miss this opportunity to awaken your senses and ignite your soul through the power of sound healing in one of the most enchanting settings on Earth.

    Please bring your yoga mat or ask us for the borrow service 10€ each mat. 

    Book your spot now and come for the sunset. 

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    Synastry Chart 65.00

    Synastry chart provides in-depth insight into understanding the dynamic you
    share with another person.
    Compatibility, communication, intensity are some of the themes of this chart.
    Synastry takes a picture of how the energy flows through different individuals. 

    Astrology is above all, a tool to know and understand the universal energy climate
    that dictates the movement of the cosmos at all times.
    It could be said that astrology would be like the meteorology of universal energy:
    it gives us a report of the energy climate of the day and we can decide whether to
    carry an umbrella or not.
    The will and the possibility of choosing depend on how we use what we have:

    • On the physical plane we are aware of having the ability to choose. We know
    what actions inevitably lead to pain, and if we don’t want to feel pain, we avoid

    • On the level of the intangible, these signs are equally inevitable but in a less
    obvious way.
    Astrology is a means to become aware of that
    relationship in the intangible plane with respect to the experience of oneself in
    this life.

    Please write me to set the best date for your session
    or book directly and I’ll come back to you within the few hours. 

    Expert:  MARIA
    0 out of 5
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    TAROT 90.00

    Tarot reading is a ancestral oracle that have been
    present in all the times and cultures that have been dwelling on the Earth.

    It is not about the past, it is not about
    the future…

    It is about creating a Reading that
    understand the Time in a circle shape. It is about transcendence,
    transmutation, integration of the polarities, union of the both extremes, yin &
    yang in communion.

    The tarot reading, as all readings, It is
    about create an objective perspective to see all the tiles of the puzzle and
    feel that they are fitting each other. When you reach to see objectively any
    situation free of identification, it is possible to watch easier the game of
    life with every character and every chapter.

    All make sense, without searching for,
    answers are finding and questions go beyond. Sensing the reality as a theater
    where you are the narrator, you are the story teller.
    All are
    transitory chapters, letting go and accepting that nothing remains forever
    gives peace, everything is in constant change and transformation

    All the
    Truth is already in you, the cards just will move in a structure that
    facilitate the Understanding. Through their draws they help us to amplify our
    viewpoints and open our minds. Tarot cards show that some doors have been
    closed but as well show to us that others have been open waiting to be seen.

    It is not about believe… It is about
    decoding the universal truth all in live
    got  symbolism and that is why,
    through the meaning of the elements that every archetype carry in every card,
    we can draw a map where already we find ourselves in the path we consciously



    When the question appear, the answer is
    ready to be received.  Questions help us to determinate which kind of
    spread we will choose for the reading. Spread it is just a structure a mold
    through the cards will be positioned.

    It is not necessary to have a question but
    always will be useful to be more accurate depending of what we are looking for.

    Expert:  CLAUDIA
    5 out of 5
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