5 out of 5

Ibiza & Online, Baleares Spain

Clearing, Healing, Reading
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    Dance: afro, butoh, urban
    Rated 0 out of 5


    The classes have a strong base in contemporary dance, partnering, floor work, contact, influenced by urban dance, afro, butoh, yoga and acroyogathai.

    Clàudia combines dance with kinesiology, regressions, tarot and shamanism. And although issues of such magnitude are addressed, the classes work with a strong physicality, the purpose is to sweat and take root in the body, the therapeutic thing happens as a consequence since dance, like art, is therapeutic in itself, it is rather a process alchemical, letting things pass through you as an interpreter.

    Improvisation, choreography, individual and collective composition, instantaneous or fixed, are worked on, sometimes using external elements for creation such as text or different objects, seeking to open the body, mind and spirit and leave the comfort zone finding your new paths that are built through working with the other, taking advantage of the enrichment and the luck of being able to share sweat in a group.

    There are usually moments of show up in groups, understanding that the spectator is a testimony that evidences what is happening in an implicit way, being also a participant in what happens on stage. Everyone has something to say, a personal story to share and this, through movement, is worthy of being narrated and thanks to the public having a container in which to pour the content.

    The group is like a train that evolves through a moving path of initiation and Clàudia adapts to its needs and the curiosity of exploration that it expresses.



    Private classes are great for:

    Give a more personalized attention, get a greater investigation, delve into the technique, be able to give a more exhaustive feedback, make a personalized reading of the body, as well as identify the particular skills for which one wants to work and promote. Review weak points and recognize which ones need to be strengthened. To focus on physical preparation, and for much more…

    Enjoy an intimate and unique space where one can open up more easily and evolve more quickly.

    Give them away!!

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    Kinesiology is a biocommunication system that we use to discover how the body reacts to certain stimuli.

    What is a kinesiology session like?

    Preview interview. Beginning of the session:

    Definition and prioritization of the objectives. Identification and clarification of the proposed situation. Assessment of work trends: solve “problems” or generate “solutions”. Go as far as the conscious allows to continue with kinesiology where the unconscious proposes.

    Entrance “door” to the session:

    In relation to what was determined during the interview. Specifying the proposed information as a work objective. Preference and work permit: we only work on what the body gives explicit permission in favor of the intentions and requests established during the interview. Always send the will and the purpose behind the requests and job proposals of the person concerned.

    Chaining of different lines of work:

    Interrogation about the changes achieved and more precise identification of the nuances that still need to be improved. Opening of new works to “fil out” unresolved issues or deal with new information that emerged during the session.

    End of the session: construction of the positive:

    Seeking the creation of a positive space, of a possibility to improve, of the construction of a new attitude, of changing the vision of the situations for another balancing and empowering vision. 

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    Rated 0 out of 5


    Duration: ca. 2/3 h


    When they are in tune with their life purpose.

    Regression is rediscovering, remembering, reaffirming your purpose. You don’t look for belief, you find direct experience. Go to the root, the origin, where, when, with whom, why… and understanding grants Freedom. Observing events objectively allows you to feel that the pieces of the puzzle fit together, that connected things are where they should be. Being in tune with our purpose allows us to flow and understand that within the chaos everything moves to the same rhythm, there is a movement that synchronizes all events.


    Quantum physics explains that in the Universe everything is happening at once. When we make a “regression” we are not literally seeing past lives, in reality, they are stories that belong in some way to simultaneous existences, latent stories that directly concern the present.

    We can conceive of the Universe as a toroid or a three-dimensional spiral through which we transit momentarily. Within this spiral, each present constituted by now, now, now, now; corresponds to a spatio-temporal location. Time does not stop and is governed by change. Consequently, this coordinate is different in each present, because it transits, it is always in movement and like a radio station it tunes on/off, activating and deactivating different temporal lines that connect the present with possible “pasts” and possible “futures”.

    We could understand then, that making a regression means accessing a field of information where other existences, corresponding to certain coordinates, have a direct connection with our present. The body is like an onion made up of different dimensions that contain the information or experiences that we had-have-had-will have in those other coordinates. All the chronicles of the trajectory that we trace within this spiral called life, reside in the microcosm contained in each cell of our body. It is in each cell and therefore within oneself where all the memories of other existences dwell.

    Accessing one’s own information is much simpler than it seems. By doing a “regression” one directly accesses that which is coexisting in our present.  To make a “regression” means to carry out a guided meditation. Meditation allows a state of relaxation where the person is daydreaming and can consciously narrate aloud everything that is seeing and perceiving. Some people are more visual, others describe sounds, smells, temperature… or even the touch of things. How the information is received is indifferent, what matters is to access the content of the story to recognize it, experience it and transcend it.

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    Rated 0 out of 5

    Tarot reading is a ancestral oracle that have been
    present in all the times and cultures that have been dwelling on the Earth.

    It is not about the past, it is not about
    the future…

    It is about creating a Reading that
    understand the Time in a circle shape. It is about transcendence,
    transmutation, integration of the polarities, union of the both extremes, yin &
    yang in communion.

    The tarot reading, as all readings, It is
    about create an objective perspective to see all the tiles of the puzzle and
    feel that they are fitting each other. When you reach to see objectively any
    situation free of identification, it is possible to watch easier the game of
    life with every character and every chapter.

    All make sense, without searching for,
    answers are finding and questions go beyond. Sensing the reality as a theater
    where you are the narrator, you are the story teller.
    All are
    transitory chapters, letting go and accepting that nothing remains forever
    gives peace, everything is in constant change and transformation

    All the
    Truth is already in you, the cards just will move in a structure that
    facilitate the Understanding. Through their draws they help us to amplify our
    viewpoints and open our minds. Tarot cards show that some doors have been
    closed but as well show to us that others have been open waiting to be seen.

    It is not about believe… It is about
    decoding the universal truth all in live
    got  symbolism and that is why,
    through the meaning of the elements that every archetype carry in every card,
    we can draw a map where already we find ourselves in the path we consciously



    When the question appear, the answer is
    ready to be received.  Questions help us to determinate which kind of
    spread we will choose for the reading. Spread it is just a structure a mold
    through the cards will be positioned.

    It is not necessary to have a question but
    always will be useful to be more accurate depending of what we are looking for.

Clàudia Reig born in Barcelona in 1990, resident between Ibiza and Barcelona, is a strong pedagogue of dance, yoga and Acroyogathai. She works as a performer, teacher and therapist, as well as the creator of her company mythym.org. Mythym is also an artistic-social-cultural project that combines dance, regressions and promotes cultural exchange through the disciplines of art and movement.

At just 19 years old, she innately developed her own method of doing regressions that she teaches and trains today. Since she was little she has been very connected with her nature and met different mediums and crucial teachers in her life.

In addition, Clàudia is a social educator, kinesiologist, writes dance chronicles and a book about the regression sessions that she accompanies, reads and studies the Tarot and is a healer and Reader of the Eivida school of intuition.

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