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  • 08/09/2024-14/09/2024
    7 Day Fitness, Detox, Yoga and Good Vibes in Ibiza 1548.00

    Ibiza Beach Retreat

    Dive into a retreat with Charlotte Fox to immerse yourself in daily yoga practices and delicious, nourishing food in a stunning location just meters from the iconic waters of Benirras Beach. With its sun-kissed beaches and a vibe that can only be described as pure euphoria, this Balearic gem is a mecca for The Bohemian Gypset Lifestyle. 

    Immerse yourself in various daily yoga practices, adventures, trips to special events on the island, and delicious, nourishing food in a stunning location just one minute from the iconic waters of Benirras Beach.

    Yoga flow (Vinyasa, Restorative, Kundalini, Yin), pranayama, meditation, we also dive into Kriya Yoga which uses breathing techniques and also incorporates physical postures and specific kriyas to activate energy.

    We host a sacred cacao ceremony and sharing circle on the beach, hiking and workouts, nourishing healing food, VOGA workshop, hippie drum circle, nightlife, and soaking up all the Ibiza magic.

    During this retreat, you will be served daily brunch and dinner. All meals shared on this retreat will be designed to boost your body and mind, focusing on vegetarian, feel-good foods that are vibrant, nutritionally balanced, and without refined sugars – while still tasting wholesomely indulgent. Our Private Chef is certified in Nutritional Therapy. The fabulous Yuliya transforms each meal into an expression of holistic wellbeing. Yuliya’s devotion to seasonal, organic ingredients ensures that each meal not only satiates but sings to your senses, sustaining you through your transformative journey with us. Enjoy the allure of dining as a journey to vibrant health, where each bite is a harmonious blend of balance and vitality.

    Charlotte believes nourishing your body with goodness and eating mindfully with intention is vital. This is what they call soul food. Charlotte has been devoted to the practice of yoga for over 14 years. With her background in performance and high aptitude for movement, her vibrant personality weaves reflective philosophical aspects and a deep understanding of yoga.

    Get ready to set your mind free. Bring unity, balance and harmony into your path. “My style sets up a purpose fuelled practice that will redefine your body and give you results. With unique variations on poses, specific to the individual.

    If you have faced challenges or injury in the past, we will go on the healing journey together, you will be supported. To embrace the path with greater ease, less conditions and grow together.”

     You can also choose a massage therapist who specialises in Ayurvedic or lymphatic drainage- additional facials or extra treatments are available by request. Calm your nervous system, increase your vitality and give your body all the self care. We can’t wait to welcome you! Namaste :)

    Charlotte Fox YOUR HOST AND TEACHER 

    Charlotte did her 200-hour RYT TT in Bali at Yoga Union. She has gained over 500 hours of teaching and taught thousands of students internationally.

    She has taught in London, Brighton, Bali, Ibiza, and Mexico. Her latest retreats include Mexico, Bali, and Ibiza.

    She has hosted successful Yoga retreats in Ibiza and has also taught at pop-up events and festivals including Wilderness, Hedone Paris, Latitude, Soul Circus, and Balance Festival.

    Originally trained in movement and mime at the prestigious school Ecole Jaques Lecoq in Paris, she has learned movement and training the body as a poetical tool for transformation and expression.

    “My style sets up a purpose-fuelled practice that creates a playful dialogue with your body in space. It’s dynamic, expressive, and supercharged with good vibes”.


    • 2 yoga classes per day
    • 3 days of detox juice cleanse
    • Sound healing at a five-star luxury hotel
    • Meditation and pranayama sessions, with kriya yoga
    • Special trip to Moon Beach
    • VIP guest list at an iconic venue
    • Evening trip to one of the islands conscious events.
    • 6 nights accommodation with daily brunch and dinner

    Skill level

    • Beginner
    • Intermediate
    • Advanced

      About the location
      Guests love the location – they rated it 5 out of 5 The retreat will take place in Cala Benirrás, Ibiza, Spain. There are many beaches close by but the most famous and amazing is our Benirrás beach, just meters away. ‘

      The local drummers who descend to the beach to ‘drum down the sunset’ is an iconic hippie ritual. This drumming is a unique Ibiza experience, established over many years on the island. Every night, you can watch the most iconic sunset on the island. Enjoy the crystal clear waters and get lost in the sounds of Balearic beats from the famous Elements Beach Club and Restaurant.

      Benirras is the only bay on the island to be designated a nature reserve, so there is not a single hotel in sight. Benirras is in the unspoiled north of the island, an area rich in ley lines and with a strong spiritual history. Famous for its wonderful sunsets, the west-facing bay is home to a rock known as ‘The King of Benirras’, which sits majestically in the crystalline waters. The beach has three typical Spanish restaurants and an ice cream and juice bar. Location: 30 meters above sea level, it is a three-minute, 180-meter walk to the beach along a private path. Nestled in the hills, you will find peace and tranquility. Villa Roca is a hacienda of Bauhaus design built by the late Ibizencan architect Erwin Bronner, whose house is now a museum in Ibiza Town. The villa features terracotta floors, tiered balconies, and open fireplaces. It has a large living room area and a spacious outdoor open-plan terrace, where guests dine, relax, and socialize.

      Villa Roca sits on 20 acres of land filled with wildflowers and pear, olive, apple, orange, and banana trees. To cap it all, it is nestled amongst a beautiful pine forest. On clear days, it has almost uninterrupted sunshine from early morning to afternoon. It has five large bedrooms, two of which have balconies and one with its own door leading to the garden. -Villa Roca Large ceiling-to-floor windows containing French doors open onto your own balcony, and it is possible to step off your balcony onto the terrace where guests eat their daily meal—situated at the front of the villa overlooking the garden, driveway, and the distant road that heads in and out of Benirras. Large wardrobes for storage.

      There are two ways of entering this room: from the terrace and inside the villa. You can book this room as two single beds or one double bed.
      Pagodas are the simpler, rustic yogi option. Set in the Benirrás valley amongst a rich and beautiful pine forest, six Balinese-styled Pagodas host breathtaking views and offer a feeling of true reconnection to nature.

      Feel the fresh sea air fill your lungs, enjoy the singing of the birds, and be mesmerized by the vast night sky after watching the magical sunset from Benirrás beach.

      Private pagoda – 1584 €
      Shared Room Villa Rocca – 1701€
      Private Room in Villa Rocca – 2464 €

  • 09/03/2024-15/03/2024

    6 day All inclusive Spiritual Women’s RETREAT IN IBIZA

    Come heal & embody your feminine energy. Let’s meet in Sisterhood and step into a self-empowered and self-confident versions.


    Where: Ibiza, South West Area


    💫6 days, 5 nights at our wonderful Retreat Villa, 

    💫2 organic based meals per day

    All activities such as:

    💫 Yin Yoga

    💫 Daily Meditation, Workshops and Embodiment practices 

    💫 Powerful Breathwork

    💫 Inner child & Forgiveness

    💫 Letting go Fire Ritual

    💫 Hiking, dancing, laughing

    💫 Hippy Market visit 

    💫Spiritual Ceremonies and Rituals

    💫 Goddess fotoshoot


    1699.-€  in shared double room. 

    1999.-€ Single Room. 

    Schedule example:

    09:00 Meditation/ Yoga

    11:00 Healthy breakfast

    12:30 Cave Tanit and beach

    16:00 warm meal

    17:00 Workshop: How to move stuck energy through dance and movement 

    20:00 Tapas

    We are looking forward to welcome you on this beautiful journey in Ibiza.

    Du willst…

    … die Beziehung zu dir selbst in das nächste Level bringen.

    … Körper und Geist detoxen und den Alltagsstress hinter dir lassen. 

    … deinen Kopf abschalten und in deinem Körper Verbundenheit und Leichtigkeit spüren.

    … alten Ballast transformieren und Vergangenes loslassen.

    … deine weibliche Seite verkörpern lernen.

    … dein Herz mit magischen Momenten füllen.

    … deine innere Schamanin in Ritualen erwecken.

    … dich energetisch reinigen, um Platz und Leichtigkeit zu fühlen.  

    … dich mit deinem inneren Kind versöhnen und gemeinsam an eurer Vision arbeiten. 

    …deine Manifestationskraft stärken, um der Realisierung deiner Wünsche näher zu kommen. 

    … mit mehr Klarheit  und Mut nach Hause kehren.

    … mit anderen Frauen wahre Sisterhood erleben.

    … unvergessliche Erinnerungen aus Ibiza mitnehmen .

    Sag JA zum nächsten Muse Retreat Ibiza und werde Teil dieser authentischen und herzöffnenden Community. 

    Bist du bereit in diesen Kreis zu kommen? Wir warten auf dich. 

    Inhalte des Retreats: 

    Breathwork, Yoga & geführte Meditationen (keine Vorerfahrung notwendig)

    Workshops: innere Kind Arbeit, Emotionale Intelligenz, Weibliche Energie

    Rituale & Workshops: Manifestations-Ritual , Feuer-Ritual, Vergebungs-Ritual, Wut-Ritual, Cacao Zeremonie

    Ausflüge an die magische Natur-Orte der Insel z.B. in eine geheime Höhle und Es Vedra Sunset

    Gruppen-Fotoshooting & und vieles mehr.


    6 plus 1 Bonus Übernachtungen in der Villa (Garten, Jacuzzi, Pool) 

    2 x am Tag vegane Verpflegung

    Workshops & Rituale

    alle Ausflüge

    Dies ist deine Gelegenheit Ballast abzuwerfen und dabei die Beziehung zu dir selbst zu bestärken. Während der gemeinsamen Zeit gehen wir sanft in unsere Tiefe, um hier Verbindung, Kraft, Leichtigkeit und Inspiration zu finden. 

    In den Breathwork-Sessions, wirst du in eine kraftvolle Art der Meditation und der Bewusstseinserweiterung eingeführt.

    In den Meditationen ernst du dich zu zentrieren, im Moment anzukommen und dich energetisch zu reinigen.

    In den Yoga Sessions kommst du in Verbindung mit deinem Körper, lernst im Moment zu sein und dich körperlich zu detoxes.

    In den Ritualen entdeckst du deine innere Schamanin und Selbst-Heilungskräfte. Du lässt los, öffnest dein Herz und verbindest dich mit deiner Kraft und Schönheit

    Im den Workshops erhält du Tools , die deinen Alltag bewusster und leichter machen.

    In der Freizeit integrierst du und lässt die Seele baumeln, gemeinsam it den anderen oder für dich selbst. 

    Bei den Ausflügen  kommst du in direkten Kontakt mit der unglaublichen Natur Ibizas. 

    OPTION 1:



    ihr teilt euch zu 4 ein Bad, und habt eine private Terrasse, 

    die auf dem Pool blickt. Gemeinschaftsgefühl: 


    OPTION 2: 


    das Bad wird mit einem anderem Zimmer geteilt: 


    OPTION 3: 




    OPTION 3: 


    teilt sich ein Bad und die Terrasse 

    mit einem anderem Zimmer. 

    Liegt Abgelegener im Garten: 


    Expert:  SILVIA
    0 out of 5


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