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    Soul Replenishment Session ✩ 257.00

    (Reading of Akashic Records and Tarot)

    + Energy Healing Session)

    (Most recommended)

    A deep card reading followed by a magical energy integration session.

    This powerful combination session allows all the information and your energy you have received to be subtly integrated creating a sense of deep calm.

    You will leave the session with clear vision and a higher and more grounded state of mind.

    Expert:  ROSE
    0 out of 5
  • -25%Limited


    For those looking for the shamanic spiritual approach. The session is around my process of ‘interactive hypnosis’, meaning you will be in absolute awareness and presence while the energy of Theta waves is connecting to your subconscious at the same time. DEEP SOMATIC EXPERIENCING will be reconnecting you to soul parts, which you may have ‘lost’ or disconnected from in your life through a form of traumatic event or period in your life. Further we look into external energies which have influence on you.

    The process may include following:

    • PLUS – AKASHIC RECORDS // Check & Clearing
    Retrieving missing parts of your soul connection wherever they are hidden. Including past lives, if relevant in your personal soul imprint. What may be influencing your personal dynamics and relationships, possibly blocking you to live your true potential.
    Releasing old souls, ancestors or karmic connections. For you to become empowered by coming into an understanding of all what has been before and who you are, because of this now. Become whole! BLESSING THE ONES WHO CAME BEFORE YOU. Thanking them, for everything they experienced and what it has taught you. Reinstating this is your Life N O W.

    Expert:  KAT
    0 out of 5
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    Synastry Chart 65.00

    Synastry chart provides in-depth insight into understanding the dynamic you
    share with another person.
    Compatibility, communication, intensity are some of the themes of this chart.
    Synastry takes a picture of how the energy flows through different individuals. 

    Astrology is above all, a tool to know and understand the universal energy climate
    that dictates the movement of the cosmos at all times.
    It could be said that astrology would be like the meteorology of universal energy:
    it gives us a report of the energy climate of the day and we can decide whether to
    carry an umbrella or not.
    The will and the possibility of choosing depend on how we use what we have:

    • On the physical plane we are aware of having the ability to choose. We know
    what actions inevitably lead to pain, and if we don’t want to feel pain, we avoid

    • On the level of the intangible, these signs are equally inevitable but in a less
    obvious way.
    Astrology is a means to become aware of that
    relationship in the intangible plane with respect to the experience of oneself in
    this life.

    Please write me to set the best date for your session
    or book directly and I’ll come back to you within the few hours. 

    Expert:  MARIA
    0 out of 5
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    TAROT 90.00

    Tarot reading is a ancestral oracle that have been
    present in all the times and cultures that have been dwelling on the Earth.

    It is not about the past, it is not about
    the future…

    It is about creating a Reading that
    understand the Time in a circle shape. It is about transcendence,
    transmutation, integration of the polarities, union of the both extremes, yin &
    yang in communion.

    The tarot reading, as all readings, It is
    about create an objective perspective to see all the tiles of the puzzle and
    feel that they are fitting each other. When you reach to see objectively any
    situation free of identification, it is possible to watch easier the game of
    life with every character and every chapter.

    All make sense, without searching for,
    answers are finding and questions go beyond. Sensing the reality as a theater
    where you are the narrator, you are the story teller.
    All are
    transitory chapters, letting go and accepting that nothing remains forever
    gives peace, everything is in constant change and transformation

    All the
    Truth is already in you, the cards just will move in a structure that
    facilitate the Understanding. Through their draws they help us to amplify our
    viewpoints and open our minds. Tarot cards show that some doors have been
    closed but as well show to us that others have been open waiting to be seen.

    It is not about believe… It is about
    decoding the universal truth all in live
    got  symbolism and that is why,
    through the meaning of the elements that every archetype carry in every card,
    we can draw a map where already we find ourselves in the path we consciously



    When the question appear, the answer is
    ready to be received.  Questions help us to determinate which kind of
    spread we will choose for the reading. Spread it is just a structure a mold
    through the cards will be positioned.

    It is not necessary to have a question but
    always will be useful to be more accurate depending of what we are looking for.

    Expert:  CLAUDIA
    5 out of 5
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    Receive a profound understanding for your next steps or a depth about you. 

    After the reading you will gain depth and insight to your strengths and challenges. With a clear next step
    on your path.

    Areas we touch upon are 

    • Start of the life (potential)
      – Atmakaraka (Soul path) and Svamsa (important sign for You personally).
    • Mid-life journey – through
      Lagna (Ascendant) and Lagna lord are dealing with life path and which areas we
      are focused on.
    • End of the life – Pada (a
      foot) is a technique where we can see what really makes us happy at the end of
      our journey.

    This is just a few examples what we will talk about in a reading.

    Reading is done in person in Ibiza or online.

    For the reading I need Birth date, time and location.

    Reading involves research work before on average of one hour.

    Please send me inquiries, I will reply typically within 24h.

    About ARE

    My name is Are (pronounced Are – uh), I am from Estonia, and have been living in Portugal for
    the past few months. The journey to astrology was one that started with some crazy years
    of life, leading me to take an in-depth look inside myself and what my purpose was in this
    life. Having grown up in a bakery and starting many restaurants of my own, but not finding
    my true calling, astrology was the last thing on my mind, having only been exposed to the
    watered-down version that popular culture in the “West” feeds the masses. The single
    paragraph blurbs in the newspapers and magazines that basically say that we are all so
    similar that these generalizations cover who we are… As my travels inward and deeper into
    the ancient wisdom of the “East” continued, I discovered the precise and exact science that
    is Vedic astrology. Delving deeper into the facts about what the universe had in store for
    my life from the beginning and what was to come, everything that had happened and was
    happening all began to make perfect sense. The pains, trials, and craziness that had defined
    my life at times were all literally written right in front of me, and so was the significant
    change that was being created moment by moment in my ever-evolving self. From that
    point, in the spring of 2013, I started to seek out experts in this ancient wisdom with only
    the purest of intents in their studies and learning everything possible. Now after 11 years
    of intensely focused study, I have begun to find joy in sharing my knowledge and passion
    with the world, helping friends new and old to experience the same revelations about their
    story written in the stars that I did.

    After the reading You are getting

    • Recording of the
    • Remedial
      measures for healing planets
    • Birth chart
    Expert:  ARE
    0 out of 5


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