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    Hypno-Coaching 180.00

    Are you looking to make a rapid and radical transformation in your life?
    Hypno Coaching is a powerful opportunity for you to understand what’s holding you back, heal and release the past, and create clear action steps moving forward. In this twelve week Hypno Coaching program

    I will help you identify the area of your life that needs the most attention and support. Once we have identified the challenge and the goal we will dive deep into your subconscious mind to understand the root cause of the problem, remove any limiting beliefs and overwhelming emotions, then reprogram you’re subconscious to work with you instead of against you. ​

    Whats included:

    -6 Bi-weekly Two Hour Hypnosis Sessions

    + Replay -Bi-weekly One Hour Progress & Accountability Check In Calls

    -On Demand Coaching Via Texting & Voice Notes

    -Personalised Self Hypnosis Script, Recording

    + 21 Day Success Program

    -Weekly Journal Prompts

    -Individualized Success Exercises

    I will be with you every step of the way as you transform your life so that you can experience freedom, confidence and success! ​

    Write me and let’s set up a complimentary discovery call to learn more! ​

    Expert:  AMBER
    0 out of 5
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    Individual Constellation 150.00

     Individual Constellation (includes the integration session)

     “The recognition and integration of our roots puts us in touch with the strength of the family tree that continues alive generation after generation.

     Despite our history and our difficulties in dealing with certain situations, our roots support us, nurture us and help us take our place in life, being able, sometimes heroically, to develop freely by writing our own history.

     Thanks to this work through the Family Constellations, we managed to heal and transcend, honoring those who were, who they are, who we are”

     🌿 What issues can we work with Family Constellations?

     🌱 Position myself in Life

     -What is my place in life?

     -What is my path?

     How do I stop being divided?

     🌱Difficulties towards the Couple

     -Find a partner

     -Close relationships

     -Availability / Non-availability in the couple

     -Troublesome dynamics

     🌱Health and Disease Topics

     – Any type of Pathology, Pain

     – Cancer

     – Addictions

     – Autoimmune diseases

     – …

     🌱Family Relations

     – Messy links

     – Repetitive situations

     – Unprocessed duels

     – Behavior patterns

     🌱Maternity / paternity issues

     🌱Working world




     🌱 Insecurities, fears…

     🌱Economic Affairs

     -Blocks and dynamics in relation to money

     🌱 Etc.

    Please write me before boooking to make an apointment with me. 
    Thank you 

    Expert:  PABLO
    0 out of 5
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    Individual Non-Somatic Guided Tantric Coaching (for Couples) 180.00

    For an individual non-somatic guided Tantric coaching session of 1.5 hours with Buzz 
    I offer you guided couple tantric session which include an interview to understand and address clearly the needs, intentions, and questions or concerns of the clients.

    Your uniquely designed program will provide you both with support, training and somatic experiences in the following areas:
    Getting individual needs met within a relationship framework
    Gaining clarity on shared goals and desires
    Identity within relationship
    Emotional awareness and connection
    Intimacy and sex
    Relationship life/work balance
    Rediscovering shared fun and adventures
    Shared financial vision
    Couple shadow work
    Conflict management
    Self worth
    Relational empowerment

    Book my service or write me if you have a question. 

    Expert:  Buzz
    0 out of 5
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    • WHERE: LIVE IN IBIZA 250 € or  LIVE ONLINE 250€
    • WHEN: 2 h at the comfort of your house or place I choose.
    • FOR : 1 to 1 or groups till 10 people. For bigger groups the price changes.
    • ART MATERIALS: Included // (not included in the online session but will guide so you can prepare the basic materials for the session)
    • WHAT: Would you like to experience how you can manifest your goals through art, meditation and dance practice? In this transformative experience you will understand how increase your manifesting skills and experience how creating art, free dance & movement or meditate can help you dramatically achieving your goals and dreams easier than with sacrifice and a lot of effort.

    Clara studied art in University of the Arts London as well as many other healing & transformative techniques, counts with more than 20 years of research & experience in the field of art & self development, she is the author of the book “The radiant woman, a path to reconnect with your true essence” and is the creator of “High vibration art” style,  where you can access higher states of consciousness and a deeper level of understanding about yourself while you create art.


    • In this session you will experience a 2 hour creative coaching session 
    • How to imprint your subconscious mind with information you want to see manifested in your reality. 
    • You will know how you can express yourself  activating your creative power to manifest the best version of yourself and achieve your goals
    • You will increase your self esteem & feel much more empowered.

    ART MATERIALS: In live session materials are included // In online session not included. I will explain you where you can easily acquire basic materials for the session. If you are in an urgency or deep pain and don’t have materials, don’t worry, just bring what you have, just a paper and pen/pencil will be ok.

    Expert:  CLARA
    0 out of 5
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    Online Pain Managament Consultation – 60 Min 80.00

    Happy you are here, looking forward to improve your life.
    Since 13 years I am working as osteopath and physical therapiest in pain managment and prevention. I will help you to improve your lifestyle, help you with your chronic pain or any other pain.
    I will give you advices adapted to your needs (exercises, nutrition, life style advices) .

    After booking I will call you and make the appointment for you on the  best time that suites you.
    You can write me before the booking, if you have any specific questions. 

    Expert:  EDI
    0 out of 5
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    Online Pain Prevention Consultation – 60 Min 80.00

    Happy you are here, looking forward to improve your life.
    Since 13 years I am working as osteopath and physical therapiest in pain managment and prevention. I will help you to improve your lifestyle, help you with your chronic pain or any other pain.
    I will give you advices adapted to your needs (exercises, nutrition, life style advices) .

    After booking I will call you and make the appointment for you on the  best time that suites you.
    You can write me before the booking, if you have any specific questions. 

    Expert:  EDI
    0 out of 5
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    Past Life Regression – 2 h 222.00

    Past life regression gives us a look into the lives we have lived before and how the lessons from those lives are still affecting us today. In this journey, you will be guided back through memories both from this and past lives to see what energy or karma has been carried over from past lives into the current life. It is an opportunity to see both the lessons that were left unfinished, and to adopt and integrate the lessons and skills that have already been accomplished.

    This session includes an intake interview where we will discuss your specific intentions and current life challenges as well as instructions for how to get the most out of your experience, a hypnotic journey into the past, and time for integration after with instructions for how to continue the process long after your session.

    It is an intimate look into the subconscious, helping you understand more about who you are and what you came here to do. A belief in past lives is not required to have an impactful experience with this session.

    The purpose of past life regression therapy is to help individuals understand and resolve persistent problems and patterns that are rooted in their past lives. It can give them insights into their spiritual beliefs, talents, and relationships. Additionally, this therapy can help people to overcome fears and phobias, heal trauma or physical discomfort that could not be identified in their present life.


    The benefits of past life regression therapy also include improved spiritual growth and well-being, increased self-awareness, and enhanced relationships and communication skills.

    Expert:  AMBER
    0 out of 5
  • RADIANT SOUL – live online course- 10 sessions 390.00


      we can establish a day that is the best for you
    • WHERE: Through ZOOM online application in your computer/laptop at the comfort of your house. Live online. It is not a recorded course.
      2 h , 1 session per week. Total duration: 10 weeks 
    • FOR: Men & Women. If you want to improve your self-esteem, increase your personal worth, activate your creative and manifesting skills, liberate yourself from stress, anxiety, fear, depression and low vibrational states, heal emotional blockages, feel more empowered & confident, and know how to liberate yourself through art, dance and meditation.
    • WHAT :This course is taught with the “creative coaching method” which unites meditation with art therapy, systemic physicology, family constellations, regressive therapy, energetic dance, ritual art, the healing power of music and dance, and other therapeutic tools Clara has learned during more than 20 years of experience in the field of personal development using arts as great tools for self development and healing.
    • • You will have the opportunity to ask and resolve your doubts in each of the 10 sessions of the course.
    • • The course is with limited places, a maximum of 5 places, so that it can be as personalized as possible.

    • You will get a dossier of each one of the modules with all the theoretical information, and together with the practical exercises so that you can practice as many times as you need. And you can save and access them forever.

    • You will have access to your personal area to the intranet of the course with your personal password where you will be able to access all the material where the entire course is organized by modules.

    • You will access the music playlist so that after classes, you can practice at home with the music of the course, all the exercises shared in the classes.

    • You will be able to obtain all the meditations of the course so that you can do them whenever you want.

    • In each session there will be several therapeutic art activities that will help your healing and personal transformation.

    • In all the sessions we will end the session with an energetic dance to activate your vital energy centers and increase your well-being, your joy and your vitality, helping to anchor what has been learned in each session.

    SESSION 1: Personal therapy session with Clara

    • In this session you will have a personalized session with me in which, for 45 minutes, we will be able to talk about your current situation, your areas of difficulty and what you would like to improve. In this way, I can advise you in your specific case about how you can make the most of the course and can improve in those specific areas what do you need.

    SESSION 2: Heal your inner child and free yourself from the burdens of the past
    • Learn the importance of releasing your blocks and burdens from the past in order to live a full life in your present.

    • Access the healing meditations of your past and healing of your inner child so that you can recognize those moments of pain, trauma or difficulty and be able to free yourself, learning tools to manage yourself, heal and reconnect with a greater well-being in your day to day.
    • Create your personal power totem out of clay to integrate the healing experience of meditation.
    • Energy dance to release blockages, increase your vital energy, integration of experience and reconnection with joy.

    SESSION 3: Increase your self-esteem healing with your mother and integrating your feminine energy.
    • Restore your feminine energy, thanks to this you will significantly increase your self-esteem, learning to take care of yourself, nurture yourself, expanding your capacity to give and receive affection and love.
    • Healing meditation with your mother. Healing your bond with mom.
    • Create a drawing of the felt experience in meditation to enhance the anchoring of healing.
    • Create your abstract artistic canvas that symbolizes the experience
    • Energy dance to release blockages, increase your vital energy, integration of experience andreconnection with joy.

    SESSION 4: Increase your self-esteem healing with your father and integrating your masculine energy.
    • Restore your masculine energy. You will learn to say no to toxic situations or situations that do not suit you, to set limits, activate your personal power, activate your power to achieve your goals and develop a greater respect for yourself.
    • Explanation of what the father represents and the importance of healing the bond with your father to improve your self esteem.
    • Healing meditation with your father.
    • Painting exercise of the felt experience in meditation.
    • Energy dance to release blockages, increase your vital energy, integration of experience and reconnection with joy.

    SESSION 5: Feel whole by yourself
    • Explanation of the orders of love and the systemic keys to feel full for yourself and have relationships with harmony.
    • Meditation to heal the relationship your parents had, which will make you feel complete and It will improve your way of relating, feeling greater inner peace.
    • Creation of a painting that represents the experience
    • Energy dance to release blockages, increase your vital energy, integration of experience and reconnection with joy.

    SESSION 6: Transform your limiting beliefs
    • Explanation about limiting beliefs and how to transform them.
    • Belief reprogramming meditation.
    • Create a list of your new affirmations and positive beliefs.
    • You will work your new beliefs through art.
    • Exercises to activate your new beliefs.
    • Energy dance to release blockages, increase your vital energy, integration of experience andreconnection with joy.

    SESSION 7: Discover what makes you unique and boost your self worth.
    • Explanation of the importance of acknowledge and value your abilities and talents.
    • Emotional release drawing.
    • Discover the gifts you have inherited from your own family lineage and increase your worth.
    • Discover your multiple intelligences.
    • Create your value symbol. And creative ritual to activate your value with art.
    • Energy dance to release blockages, increase your vital energy, integration of experience and reconnection with joy.

    SESSION 8: Know how to liberate yourself from low vibrational estates and clean your energetic field
    • Meditation to activate your energy centers & clean your energy
    • Wellness rituals for your daily life
    • Clean your energy and raise your vibration
    • Dance to activate your freedom, vitality  and radiance

    SESSION 9: Activate your creative power to manifest the reality you desire.
    • Emotional release drawing.
    • Learn to visualization of your best potential future.
    • Keys to the conscious creation of your own reality.
    • Creation of an artistic collage or manifestation vision board.
    • Quantum writing to manifest your intentions
    • Keys to listen and trust your inner guide.

    SESSION 10: Discover your purpose.
    • Exercise to discover your purpose to connect with your fullness.
    • Creation and activation of your altar of artistic power with all the exercises of the course and keys for its activation to empower you every day and remember everything learned.
    • Resolution of doubts and final details of the course.
    • Energetic dance of rebirth. We welcome our radiant woman.



    Expert:  CLARA
    0 out of 5
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    Reiki & Crystal Healing Private Session in Ibiza 144.00

    Here are 10 benefits of Reiki Healing that may interest you.

    Promote Harmony & Balance

    Reiki takes a non-invasive approach to energy transfer that is extremely effective in promoting overall wellness. Through the energy transfer, the body is able to restore balance across all systems of the mind, body, and spirit. This creates harmony and allows people to continue in a positive lifestyle.

    Relaxes and Releases Tension From The Body

    What many people love the most about Reiki is that it allows them to simply “be”. It is a couple of minutes of pure relaxation where the receiver can clear their heads and release the tension and stress of their day. The energy transfer through Reiki may make people feel peaceful, relaxed, and lighter which allows then to be in touch with their inner selves and reflect clearly on their lives.

    Breaks Down Energy Blocks and Balances The Mind, Body, and Spirit

    Regular Reiki treatment promotes the consistent and unlocked flow of energy throughout the body. This allows people to feel less stress, enhances learning and memory, promotes mental clarity, and physical healing/ less physical pain. When energy passageways are blocked, positive energy cannot flow to certain parts of the body, which results in mood swings, fear, anger, pain, and more. Reiki can help keep these passages clear.

    Cleanses Body of Toxins and Supports Immune System

    Reiki technique is used to remind our bodies how to go back into the “repair” or “self-healing” state of rest and digest. By triggering this state, our bodies begin to cleanse themselves of useless energies. It also allows the body to protect itself from exhaustion, burnout, or immune system failure.

    Clears The Mind and Improves Focus

    Reiki reminds receivers to be in the present moment. The positive energy transfer allows the mind to focus on current events, not hold onto past mistakes, and not fret on anxieties about the future. This will help with accepting how life is unfolding and will help promote positive reactions to situations, people, and circumstances.

    Helps You Sleep Better

    You can always expect to feel extremely relaxed after a Reiki session. This kind of relaxation helps our bodies to sleep better, to heal better, and to think more clearly. It is not uncommon for people to fall asleep entirely during a Reiki Session.

    Helps You Sleep Better

    You can always expect to feel extremely relaxed after a Reiki session. This kind of relaxation helps our bodies to sleep better, to heal better, and to think more clearly. It is not uncommon for people to fall asleep entirely during a Reiki Session.

    Helps Spiritual Growth and Emotional Cleansing

    Reiki addresses the whole person—mind, body, and spirit—not just the physical being. This means that the positive energy transfer through Reiki is extremely helpful in elevating the receiver’s mood and general attitude towards life. The healing that starts from within will reflect on their decisions and perspective on the outside.

    Accelerates The Body’s Self-Healing Ability

    Reiki balances your internal body levels to return to a near-natural state. This means that your breathing, heart rate, blood pressure, circulation, and other bodily systems will improve. This normal balance will allow your body to heal itself from within.

    There are many ways that an individual can benefit from Reiki. It is important to note that Reiki does not target one particular problem within the body but rather targets everything at once. Energy transfer is the most powerful tool in healing in this way as it heals all related elements of a particular condition.

    Expert:  SARA
    0 out of 5
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    Sacred Sexuality online consultation 100.00

    This is an offering to those who are new on their journey with Tantra and Sacred Sexuality and want to make first steps – men or women.

    We will take time to hear your needs and desires and I will share my knowledge.
    You will receive tips and reflections and this should give you an idea of what are your next steps to take.

    From there you can inquire into programs I offer (online or in person), jump into tantric, somatic bodywork session with me (Ibiza or Berlin) or keep exploring elsewhere.

    50mins – 100€

    0 out of 5
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    Soul Replenishment Session ✩ 257.00

    (Reading of Akashic Records and Tarot)

    + Energy Healing Session)

    (Most recommended)

    A deep card reading followed by a magical energy integration session.

    This powerful combination session allows all the information and your energy you have received to be subtly integrated creating a sense of deep calm.

    You will leave the session with clear vision and a higher and more grounded state of mind.

    Expert:  ROSE
    0 out of 5
  • -25%Limited


    For those looking for the shamanic spiritual approach. The session is around my process of ‘interactive hypnosis’, meaning you will be in absolute awareness and presence while the energy of Theta waves is connecting to your subconscious at the same time. DEEP SOMATIC EXPERIENCING will be reconnecting you to soul parts, which you may have ‘lost’ or disconnected from in your life through a form of traumatic event or period in your life. Further we look into external energies which have influence on you.

    The process may include following:

    • PLUS – AKASHIC RECORDS // Check & Clearing
    Retrieving missing parts of your soul connection wherever they are hidden. Including past lives, if relevant in your personal soul imprint. What may be influencing your personal dynamics and relationships, possibly blocking you to live your true potential.
    Releasing old souls, ancestors or karmic connections. For you to become empowered by coming into an understanding of all what has been before and who you are, because of this now. Become whole! BLESSING THE ONES WHO CAME BEFORE YOU. Thanking them, for everything they experienced and what it has taught you. Reinstating this is your Life N O W.

    Expert:  KAT
    0 out of 5
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    Become aware of the root cause and emotions related to your diagnosis and illness.

    This service has a direct focus on your health issues. It will involve energy work and alchemical healing modalities – specifically for you and your circumstance. Including the release of blockages and baggage of issues leading up to certain symptoms or the diagnosis.

    Support your healing journey ~ Support your heart and soul.


    The session does not replace a doctor – if medical treatment is imminent, this service assists you in your choices of treatment and also the openness to i.e. medication or alternative therapies, if necessary.

    *please note:
    The session takes an average 2-3 hrs as we go multiple layers deep into your subconsciousness and metaphysical body. 
    The session will take as long as it takes & can optionally be extended to further meetings. 

    Expert:  KAT
    0 out of 5
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