Experiences & Group Sessions

When you visit popular places like Ibiza, Berlin, Tulum you would most likely be looking forward to night parties, soothing climates, and a chill atmosphere. Of course, you would want to meet new people, experience local culture and have the time of your life.

However, but these places also offer a whole host of conscious events that can help explore, heal, relax, and even transform. From yoga, meditation, and sound journeys to retreats, walks, ceremonies and more, there is so much to do at these places. So, explore unique experiences in Ibiza, in addition to other heavenly places like Berlin, Tulum.

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    Alchemy Sound Journey – 1,5 h for 1:1 or Group 250.00

    Alchemy Sound Journey with Gong and Crystal Bowls, Quartz Mandalas & Sound Therapy 

    Welcome to a mind-blowing sound journey experience, brought to you by ayanation, where you’ll enter into a world of sound unlike any other. Allow yourself to indulge in the serene sounds of gongs, crystal bowls, and other calming vibrations, as you journey towards a calmer more peaceful state. Our sound journey experience is designed to help you unload your daily stresses, allowing relaxation to set in, while allowing your body to heal deeply from the inside out. Our team of skilled practitioners are dedicated to providing you with a transformative experience that will leave you feeling truly rejuvenated. Through the use of sound therapy, particularly with the gongs and crystal bowls, we can stimulate a host of benefits, both physically and mentally. This unique therapy approach can improve concentration, increase emotional balance, cultivate creativity, enhance intuition and self-expression, improve sleep, and reduce anxiety and stress. You’ll leave feeling calmer, centered, and balanced, possessing a sense of well-being that will stay with you, long after the journey is complete. Our sound journey experience is a true indulgence for your mind, body, and soul. Come and explore new levels of relaxation and harmony as you journey through an exquisite sound bath experience like never before. Book your journey with us today, and let our skilled practitioners guide you to a deeply restorative experience of peace and calm.

    The price could vary depending on the location and the number of participants.

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    Become Certified Coach – Training 2222.00

    We offer an in-service, hybrid training to become a certified coach. Our training method and the tools we teach are based on the findings of current neuroscience. We do not work on the symptoms, but on the cause.


    Coaching is a growing market and the job description of a coach is not (yet) protected, therefore our training(s) is designed for maximum professionalism according to the guidelines of Stiftung Warentest and the International Coach Federation (ICF).


    In 10 modules we clear up with long outdated

    theories and teach the latest scientific findings for

    for successful coaching. The basic training makes you fit for practice as a coach, entrepreneur or personnel developer.


    The trainers have more than 25 years of experience in the market.

    Do you feel called? Ready to go? Write me

    Expert:  LESLIE
    0 out of 5
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    Berlin Team Retreat in Nature 1250.00

    We will be outside, we will be together, we will be present, we will listen, we will get to know more, we will explore, we will have a good time. ​

    A space for slowing down, digital detoxing and connecting for your team.

    > Being in nature to de-stress, refresh & restore
    > Deepening connection within the team
    > Safe space to experience & share
    > Long-lasting impact on team culture

    Customized Time-Out & Team Building
    Going Inwards – Restoring & Refreshing – Connecting

    • Getting out of the daily work routine
    • Refreshing & restoring
    • Improving mental health
    • Building up healthy resilience
    • Strengthening creativity
    • Space for connecting & getting to know each other better on a deeper level​
    • Tailored elements around personal & team well-being
    • Possibility to incorporate specific company or team related topics (e.g. values, ways of working, product ideation etc.)


    In and around Berlin, or anywhere in the world on request.


    Team retreats start from 5 hrs and can last up to several days with nights outdoors or in a fitting accommodation.


    • Meditation, Mindfulness, Breath work & Movement
    • Exercises to connect with nature, oneself & each one of the group
    • Systemic constellations & Social cosmos
    • Silence & silent walks
    • Making fire Cooking together over the open fire
    • Creative process work
    • Sharing & discussion circles

    Let’s discuss a custom offer for your needs – that will have an impact on your team.

    Expert:  KAILO
    0 out of 5
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    Chakra Activation flow 50.00

    An introspective yoga practice aimed to activate and harmonize your energetic centers (chakras) from root to crown.

    You will take consciousness of your energetic body and clean channels through pranayama (breathing practices), specific Asanas (postures) and meditation.

    We will finish with a Reiki infused Savasana.

    All levels welcome.

    Online or in person. 

    Expert:  VALENTINA
    0 out of 5
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    Connecting with your Inner & Outer Nature – Group Session 320.00

    4 hours group session to release & connect

    Nature therapy offers you the opportunity to spend time with yourself and with nature, as well as to create deep connections in your life. Start from where you are and go as far as you want. In my sessions we go out to be in and with nature. It’s about enjoying it.

    We will breathe the fresh forest air and take a break from our stressful city life for a bit. With selected exercises we take the time to experience and observe ourselves. You will be surprised what thoughts arise, what you learn about yourself and what you can learn from nature. Be curious. True experience of nature cannot be described. It can only be experienced. ​

    We first walk through the forest and then stop and stay at a hidden, quiet meadow or at a spot in the forest. ​

    Call it personal development, call it therapy, call it self-awareness, self-exploration and self-reflection, call it healing art. You decide what it is for you.

    “Here it is not important who you are and what you do in normal life. It’s all about yourself and not what others think, say or ask for. The point is that you can just be without having to be someone. It’s about getting back in touch with you and the elements around you in order to find your way back to yourself and your strength.”

    > Connecting with your inner & outer nature
    > Pause your busy everyday life
    > Safe space to experience & share


    • Good shoes & clothing according to the current weather
    • Something to sit on
    • Snacks & enough to drink

    Walking distance: 2x approx. 30 minutes

    Duration: 4h
    Location: Grunewald
    Number of participants: flexible


    I’m very happy to offer you a CUSTOM SESSION for your group. We set a focus of the session together or you let my intuition guide it. We can also do it at a different location, shorter or longer. Let’s discuss!

    Expert:  KAILO
    0 out of 5
  • 02/12/2023-03/12/2023
    IDENTITY Workshop 949.00

    An extraordinary deep dive to yourself. 

    Find your identity look that takes you forward!

    1,5 days intensive workshop in Berlin-Schöneberg 

    What awaits YOU:


    With max. 4 people you will get to know yourself and other faces from completely new sides.


    With our new ego-design-matrix we show you exciting connections between what you love in life and how you “tick”, your effect on others and your outer form, especially your face and its countless peculiarities.


    With strong images, musical tastings and simple movement elements to dance & join in, we let you feel into 16 different mood worlds – you will quickly feel to which you are attracted.


    You will get to know a completely new field of communication through 16 distinguishable worlds of dressing – our I-design-worlds, which create their very own expression through cuts, shapes, patterns, materials, shoes and certain pieces of clothing.


    On the basis of your new ego design, we create easy-to-implement immediate effects with practical design elements and make you shine.

    You can’t afford to miss this:


    You understand the importance of your outer features & get to know your inner and outer strengths even better.


    From now on you know exactly what strengthens or weakens your presence. So you can put together your look with much more confidence that moves you forward.


    Stage, business or special moments? You convince with your charisma! You determine the degree of your visibility yourself. You create who you want to be.

    For you to take with you:


    Your face decoding and other faces with exciting secrets

    16 ego design worlds to experience and your mix of results as a visual notebook

    Exclusive 30 minutes for your identity look: Do’s & Dont`s, instant effects via photo documentation

    further exciting transformations in the group and lots of inspiration for your new “style language”

    KARLIE – Empathic aesthetician with a love for detail who authentically makes personalities and their vocation visible.
    JULIANE  – Energetic power woman and impulse giver for movement & healthy self-expression, who inspires people in a versatile and creative way for self-empowerment.


    We stand for curiosity, empathy, flair, creative love of design, aspiration and a sense of aesthetics. We see the embodiment of personality in the outside world as a magical key to personal advancement. In this way we make personality visible and create unique identity looks.

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    Come learn how to neurohack your way to more creativity, higher levels or energy or even heal past traumas.
    Neurohacking series
    1 – Know your nervous system
    Come learn how your body functions under        different conditions so you can better understand and train it
    2 – Change your brain’s wiring
    Come find out about psychic imprints and how they mould our brain and create our realities
    3 – The Science of ancestral DNA healing
    Find out more about epigenetics, genomic imprinting and how our environment shapes our biochemistry and our gene production
    4 – The neuroscience of our personalities
    Ever wondered how astrology works and why certain signs have common attributes? Our birth month may have an impact on our personalities.
    5 – Entrepreneurs and microdosing

    Come find out why silicone valley is microdosing with entheogens for flow states and how you can achieve the same without external substances

    Ian Herbert
    Major in biochemistry 
    For over 7 years, Ian has trained doctors and other healthcare professionals in the fields of pharmaceuticals, medical equipment and medical skincare. After several courses in how to rewire the brain, he now offers workshops on how to change our neurology. 

    2 h or Half Day Workshop

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    Private group session: Dynamic breathwork and olfaction 250.00

    Gather your friends, colleagues, or team and discover breathwork and scent in a private group class.

    Let Kim guide you through a 90 min breathwork experience, with a breathing method called PSYCHEDELIC BREATH, in which she uses aromatherapy to deepen the experience. 

    This can be a unique gift to your group, as

    • the journey will be tailored to a topic that you would like to explore
    • the scents will be chosen based on the topic
    • the guidance and wisdom prepared for the experience will be unique to you. 

    Breathwork helps to unlock inner energy, calm the mind, and let individuals feel more centered and less anxious. Some experience a connection with God/the universe while others simply enjoy the state of non-ordinary consciousness, in which there are almost no thoughts running your mind.

    Note that the price is limited to a private group of max. 4 people. If you wish to have more people experience a session contact Ayanation to discuss a concrete price for your group.


    Breathwork is a powerful practice that is not recommended for the following conditions: pregnancy, epilepsy, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, high inner eye pressure, detached retina, clinical anxiety or panic attacks, psychosis, a history of stroke, recent surgery (wounds, broken bones still healing).

    By buying this offer, you confirm that all participants are healthy and do not have any of the listed contraindications. If you’re in doubt, please reach out to Kim for a quick consultation.

    Expert:  KIM
    0 out of 5
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    Reiki Circle with Soundhealing – for a group/ or 1:1 150.00

    Discover the transformative synergy of Reiki with Soundhealing in a unique experience that will Higher your vibrations at a deep level. 

    The session helps to release stress and to dissolve physical, mental and emotional blockages. The Reiki energy is combined by therapeutic sound which cleanse, activate, stimulate and promote healing where needed.

    The experience is designed for groups seeking to strenghten their connections and cultivate love, understanding, peace, and harmony. Ideal for couples seeking relationship healing, as well as for celebratory occasions such as marriages, birthdays, bachelorette parties, Family trips, gathering of friends or Team bulding activities. 

    Expert:  VALENTINA
    0 out of 5
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    Scent Exploration: Scent tasting – private group session 300.00

    Scent101 is a 2h workshop format, designed to have a similar structure to wine tasting. We dive into the world of olfaction by familiarizing ourselves with 20 curated essences, both natural and synthetics, and connect the theoretical foundation to our personal sensory experience. Facilitator Kim shares powerful ways to use smell in everyday life and together your group will explore how scent plays a role in our subconscious experience.

    Note that groups can only book this experience between 2-6 people. If your group is bigger, you may contact Ayanation to discuss the price.

    Please reach out to Kim about dates requests before booking this unique workshop.

    Expert:  KIM
    0 out of 5
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    Sound Healing – Tulum – 1/1 -private group session 200.00

    It uses aspects of music to improve physical and emotional health and well-being.

    120 min

    1 pax 200 €

    5 pax 250 €

    10 pax: 550 €

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    TULUM – CACAO CEREMONY – for your private group 300.00

    For thousands of years ancient tribes have considered cacao as a sacred plant with healing properties.
    max 5 pax 

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    TULUM – TEMAZCAL – for private group 55.00


    it is a traditional Mexican sweat lodge ceremony led by a shaman or temazcalero. Some might call it a Mayan sauna.

    55 € per person –  min 6 pax 

    In ancient Mesoamerica, the Temazcal was used as part of a curative ceremony thought to purify the body after exertion such as after a battle or a ceremonial ball game. It was also used for healing the sick, improving health and for women to give birth. The temazcal continues to be used today in Indigenous cultures of North & South and Central America that were part of the ancient rituals for spiritual healing and health enrichment reasons.

    This is an opportunity to work with the 4 elements and create a space of sensory deprivation, imitating the mothers womb and giving you a sense of rebirth. This sweat lodge environment allows you to reconnect with yourself and address any physical or emotional areas you want to heal.

    Join us by the fire!

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    Yoga -Vinyasa style 60.00

    Wake Up vital energy in your body, allow the breath to be the fuel that activates your inner fire and then relax and stretch removing any tension.

    A practice that promotes the health of your body, mind and spirit through the combination of Movement, breath and meditation.

    All levels welcome.

    In person or online.

    Expert:  VALENTINA
    0 out of 5
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