-Akashic Record Reading €80.00
Every aspect of existence, including living beings, thoughts, actions, and Words, leave their vibrational imprint in the dimension known as “Akasha”.
By opening your Akashic Records, I can channel for you essential information for your soul, that can guide your evolution and steers you forward the most favorable path. The process offers clarity, resolution of conflicts and understanding the root of traumas, limiting behaviors or karmic events in your life.
Queries can pertain to diverse aspects of your life, such as relationships, career, health or past lives.
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-AKASHIC RECORDS READING – your IKIGAI channelled – 2 h €120.00
- 1h Akashic Records Reading where we will channel:
- your IKIGAI (Life Purpose)
- + those issues, situations, physical & emotional symptoms, relations, job, economy, gifts, home, beliefs, limiting patterns… that occur in your daily life and that you choose to work on, transcend and heal.
- Healing with the Akashic Doctors included.
Audio of the 1h Akashic Records Reading +IKIGAIThe Akashic Reacords Reading give you the hand so you RE-CONNECT whith what you essentially are and what you came to do, so that you dare to live definitely more aligned with your moment and your choices. There begins your path of Well-Being in this Life and a successful path back home, which is nothing more than the reconection with your own soul essence outside of all time and space.
- Understanding what is happening in your life
- Convenient practical guidelines to follow to line up on your path
- Clarity, direction and focus in your doing
- Cosmological contectualization of your present moment
- Deprogramming and Healing of Transgenerational and Past Lifes
- Improvement of your Well-Being and Health
About myself
I am passionate about offering Guide and Accompaniments of Life from an approach where Modern Psychology joins with Spirituality in a practical way to achieve the maximum potential, Well-being and Health in our day to day.
After years of personal introspection work, I have been training in those disciplines that personally supported me and continue to support me on my path of growth, which I want to share with you in the sessions. Some of these are Transpersonal Psychology, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Channeling and Akashic Records Readings, Akashic Doctors/Astral Surgery, Hebrew Pendulum and Ankh Cross.
0 out of 5 - 1h Akashic Records Reading where we will channel:
-AKASHIC SOUL CHART (your Ikigai & Galactic Origins)
€196.00€164.00This is a gift you give yourself, as it is designed to give you a deep understanding of WHO YOU ARE, WHERE YOU COME FROM AS AN STAR SEED, WHO ARE YOUR GALACTIC FAMILIES… In fact, it RE-CONNECTS YOU WITH YOUR INNER SELF. Knowing your Past makes you understand and manifest your Present, as well as project yourself more aligned towards the conveniences for your Future.
- 2h Akashic Records Reading where we will channel your IKIGAI (Purpose of Life) plus those issues, situations, symptoms, beliefs, limiting patterns, relations, economy, home… that occur in your daily life and that you choose to work on, transcend and heal. Healing with the Akashic Doctors included.
- +Radiesthesia Work with Crystal Pendulums, where we will determine your Galactic Origins & Soul Family, the highest Challenges and Learnings that you came to carry out in this incarnation, mission, among others.
WHAT WILL YOU GET AFTER THE SESSION? The creation of Your SOUL CHART! consisting of:
- Audio of the 2h Akashic Records Reading +IKIGAI
- Personalized Written Document & Audio of 20min interpretive of the same, fruit of the work carried out with the Pendulums
- Understanding what is happening in your life
- Convenient practical guidelines to follow to line up on your path
- Clarity, direction and focus in your doing
- Cosmological contectualization of your present moment
- Deprogramming and Healing of Transgenerational and Past Lifes
- Improvement of your Well-Being and Health
About Cristina…
I am passionate about offering Guide and Accompaniments of Life from an approach where Modern Psychology joins with Spirituality in a practical way to achieve the maximum potential, Well-being and Health in our day to day.
After years of personal introspection work, I have been training in those disciplines that personally supported me and continue to support me on my path of growth, which I want to share with you in the sessions. Some of these are Transpersonal Psychology, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Channeling and Akashic Records Readings, Akashic Doctors/Astral Surgery, Hebrew Pendulum and Ankh Cross.
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-Reiki Circle with Soundhealing – for a group/ or 1:1 €150.00
Discover the transformative synergy of Reiki with Soundhealing in a unique experience that will Higher your vibrations at a deep level.
The session helps to release stress and to dissolve physical, mental and emotional blockages. The Reiki energy is combined by therapeutic sound which cleanse, activate, stimulate and promote healing where needed.
The experience is designed for groups seeking to strenghten their connections and cultivate love, understanding, peace, and harmony. Ideal for couples seeking relationship healing, as well as for celebratory occasions such as marriages, birthdays, bachelorette parties, Family trips, gathering of friends or Team bulding activities.
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-Yoga -Vinyasa style €60.00
Wake Up vital energy in your body, allow the breath to be the fuel that activates your inner fire and then relax and stretch removing any tension.
A practice that promotes the health of your body, mind and spirit through the combination of Movement, breath and meditation.
All levels welcome.
In person or online.
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